2.the point at which an important choice has to be made (esp in the phraseat the crossroads) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
(North American English also crossroad) (plural crossroads)Idioms a place where two roads meet and cross each other At the next crossroads, turn right. Turn right at the next crossroads. (figurative) He has reached a career crossroads (= he must decide which way to go next in his ca...
Also,at a crossroads. At a point of decision or a critical juncture, as inBecause of the proposed merger, the company is standing at the crossroads. This phrase, based on the importance accorded to the intersection of two roads since ancient times, has also been used figuratively just about...
SUBJECT(S): Novelists, English; Novelists, American; Fiction; English fiction; Americanfiction; Interviews; Authorship; History and cri... A Burns,Charles J. Sugnet 被引量: 7发表: 1981年 J.G. Ballard's "Inner Space" and the Early Fiction of Martin Amis In Money: A Suicide Note (1984...
Crossroads: Com Ray Teal, Robert Carson, Frank J. Scannell, Douglass Dumbrille. The anthology series dramatized the lives of clergymen of all faiths and the problems they faced in both their professional and personal lives.
Crossroads: Con Robert Urich, Dalton James, Jonathan Brandis, Marley Shelton. John Hawkins is an assistant district attorney from New York who's being considered as the next candidate for district attorney. Then the district attorney in Seattle calls to
Consequently, the volume is addressed to a wide scope of both scholars and students working in the field of English and American literary and cultural studies; furthermore, it will be of interest also to students interested in theoretical issues linked with investigations into literature and culture...
In the opening years of the twenty-first century in the United States of America, an unprecedented level of national attention and federal spending are focused on education. Among issues on the national agenda, education is unique, because most American citizens believe themselves to be experts on...
In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Chad ParmenterChad Parmenter has published poetry and reviews in Pleiades, Kenyon Review, Hotel Amerika, and Best American Poetry 2007. Copyright 2008 American Book Review Project MUSE - View Citation MLA APA Chicago Endnote Chad Parmen...
convey her state of mind. It is pretty much left for the audience to fill in. The use of music to fill in her boring long travels on the abandoned long roads amid the American desserts, specifically in the climax connotates the boredom and emptiness in old age and that too, of ...