Crossplay can use add friends the player, because they ask had a Xbox then he said I don’t have a Xbox one, so have is go to Apex Legends game u can search gametag name or u can use it a real name too, is crossplay in Platform into as add friends other’s....
回复一些朋友的疑问: CrossPlay是索尼提供的一项服务,至于游戏是否支持跨平台联机还是看厂商意愿。 而仅是跨PC和PS4,还是跨至NS,XBOX也需具体游戏具体分析。 键鼠玩家比手柄玩家更占优势这点,SIE的首席执行官也提出过,但他表示比起这个问题,跨平台在线游戏的优势则更多。
On Mac and PC, anyone on mobile, PS4 or Xbox One who’s in a cross-platform party can appear in your match — unless you’re playing in Solo mode, where you’ll only play against other Mac and PC players. When you’re in a cross-platform party on M...
Re: Crossplay Fifa 23 Pc/Ps4 septembre 2023 par Maelou78550 Options du sujet Sujet précédent Sujet suivant Message original #1 septembre 2023 Options nmalo07 ★★★ Newbie Bonjour, Je suis sûr Ps4 et mon ami est sur PC. Je l'ai ajouter en tant qu'ami et tout. Maintenant ...
Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Platform: PlayStation It's impossible to play with recently crossplay between PS4 and other devices, that in my case is a PC. When I trying to connect in world of PS4 from my PC, simply it not connect to the world. Fix it, because you're claim that ...
如果是游玩的PS5版的游戏,那么能否和PS4玩家联机,则要看是否游戏支持CrossPlay(跨端合作)。目前已知的支持游戏如下:Apex 传奇: PS4、Xbox One、PC、Nintendo Switch战地 2042: PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series S/X、PC迷雾征程:PS4、Xbox One、PC无主之地 3: PS4、PS5、Xbox One、Xbox Series S/...
Premium Member 20.5k 17.5k PostedAugust 3, 2023 AFAIK, this game was released long before cross-play was ever a thing on Sony's consoles so you're restricted to PS4 players only with the MP. 5 months later... vKubabubaa Member
Crossplay Now Supported For All Platforms Hey everyone, As of today, Wargroove now features cross-play support between ALL platforms,including PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC. Wahoo! We're really happy to finally be able to complete our vision of one big, happy Wargroove community, as...
这个说的是类似串流的东西吧,不过微软独占越来越多的上pc倒是真的。神鬼就不说了,废渣听说也要跨 来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-03-06 04:16 收起回复 武士的黄昏 诺瓦露 15 微软已经等不了宰了ps再同化盒子了,因为从360的强势到现在的弱势 发现已经宰不了ps了 所以提前建立温系统统一战线 来自Android客户端7楼...
PS4 Crossplay with PC 提问者ZainTheWolf, 四月27, 2019 问题 ZainTheWolf Early Birds 5 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 根据投票排序 根据日期排序 上一页 1 2 页数2 / 2 GeekGoggles Members 8 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 已归档...