Yellow Dot Crosshair Code 0;s;1;P;c;4;h;0;0l;2;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1t;0;1l;3;1o;0;1a;0.991;1f;0;1s;0.036 How to use a Crosshair Code To use a crosshair code in Valorant, follow these steps: In the main menu, go to the settings menu at the top right of your screen ...
Most professional players in Valorant use either a simple cross or a red dot. While a small cross is a default, you can adjust the size from the settings. Be sure you keep it in a size that doesn’t interrupt your visibility. For colors, you can choose between cyan and red as both ...
The gif above displays the movement error and firing error in action, using the default Valorant crosshair. This crosshair is composed of a set of lengthy inner lines and a set of short dotlike outer lines. Two things to take note of here: While strafing from side to side, the outer lin...
In order to do so, you will need some Valorant crosshair codes, which will enable you to create custom Valorant crosshairs. In this guide, we'll show you how to use Valorant crosshair settings and share some of the best Valorant crosshair codes to try, from pro-players to even our own ...
electronwindowsmacoslinuxgamesoverlaydotopacitymarkssightcentercrossovercrosshaircrosshair-overlayfortnitegame-overlay UpdatedJan 5, 2025 JavaScript weedeej/ValorantCC Star265 Code Issues Pull requests My very first C# Project. This can change your Valorant crosshair color to ANY color you want. ...
cl_crosshairsize 2 cl_crosshairstyle 4 cl_crosshairthickness 0 cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 cl_crosshaircolor_b 144 cl_crosshaircolor_g 238 cl_crosshaircolor_r 0 Dot Esports is supported by our audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn a ...
Next up on our list is the four-line crosshair, which is another frequent crosshair you’ll come across in Valorant. It’s a great alternative if you want something fancier than the Dot crosshair, and since it has a gap in it that lets you see clearly, you’re able to crack some sku...
Use the import code below to quickly add the smiley face design to Valorant if manually adjusting settings isn't your thing. Smile crosshair code: 0;P;c;1;t;2;o;1;m;1;0t;10;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1t;3;1l;3;1o;0;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0 ...
We’ve tested countless VALORANT crosshairs during our battles, but many of us return to the trusty dot crosshair, an age-old choice for every player. It’s a standard choice for countless games, but getting it in VALORANT can be tricky. Recommended Videos Aside from the standard crosshair,...
Dot Valorant Crosshair Code Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Crosshair Code:0;P;c;3;h;0;d;1;z;4;0t;4;0l;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 Mako Valorant Crosshair Code Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Crosshair Code:0;P;c;1;o;1;f;0;0l;4;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 ...