Top 10 Beginner Friendly Crosshair Codes in Valorant Dot Valorant Crosshair Code Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;3;h;0;d;1;z;4;0t;4;0l;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 Mako Valorant Crosshair Code Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;1;o;1;f;0...
Taking a look at our coverage of the best VALORANT crosshair codes is a great way to find out what crosshairs the pro players use to improve their aim in-game.
Best Valorant Crosshair Codes We have a few pro players crosshairs that were shared by the official Valorant Twitter account. We also have a few from random locations, and from the Valorant Crosshair DB. NAVI Ange1 Crosshair Code 0;P;h;0;d;1;f;0;0l;2;0v;3;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0 Loud...
One of the fastest ways to eliminate someone in any FPS game is to connect headshots, and Valorant is no different. While hitting a headshot depends mainly upon your aim,some crosshairswith minimal designs can help to elevate your headshot accuracy. So, if you are a beginner struggling to c...
That said, let's jump into the list of best Valorant Crosshair codes used by pros. Read more: How to get Among Us crosshair in Valorant? List of Americas region pro player Crosshairs codes Ad Zachary “zekken” Patrone (Image via Riot Games || Flicker) Player Crosshair Code Zachary “...
Here are some of the codes used by the best Valorant players out there: 1.) Tenz Crosshair Code: 0;s;1;P;c;5;h;0;m;1;0l;4;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;c;4;o;1 Style of play: Although Tenz is known for changing his settings quite a lot, these are the most reliable ...
So, these are some of the best crosshairs that you can use in Valorant and dominate the rounds like a pro. What other Valorant crosshair codes of pro players or streamers would you like us to add to the list? Tell us in the comments below.How...
Below, you'll find crosshair codes for each, along with the individual settings for making them. How to make a dot crosshair To make a dot crosshair inVALORANT, go to the settings menu and select 'Crosshair'. There, you'll find a button at the top of the window that says "Import Pro...
The best dot crosshairs in VALORANT Crosshair dot colorsCrosshair dot codes Cyan Square dot crosshair code 0;P;c;5;o;1;d;1;z;4;0b;0;1b;0 Red Square dot crosshair code 0;s;1;P;c;7;u;o;1;d;1;z;3;0b;0;1b;0 Green Square dot crosshair code 0;s;1;P;c;1;u;o;1;d;...
Best circle crosshairs and settings in VALORANT The easiest way to create a circle crosshair inVALORANTis with acrosshair code. If you want to change the color on these codes, change the number before the “c.” Changing the number from one to five changes the color. ...