Crosshair code:CSGO-f2cGL-8eNLc-QwABH-CH3k6-UJL9P Generate ultimate perfection! To get an idea of what your aim parameters might look like or get inspired by other players, you can use one of the many best crosshair CSGO generators equipped with automatic features and ready-made command seq...
Here, you can enter a code you've obtained from elsewhere, or click 'Copy your Code' to export your crosshair code to your clipboard. Here are a couple of recommended CS2 crosshair codes that may be suitable for beginners: CSGO-iRFzp-x4MaC-Wvv2R-QGU6y-K7FyB CSGO-4EWcQ-c7uHs-zC...
Website:; Features Customizing the crosshair using UI widgets Crosshair displayed on selectable backgrounds Config generated according to settings Pre-made crosshair presets Custom crosshair keyboard binds Libraries jQuery 1.8.3 jQuery UI 1.9.2 KineticJS 4.4.3About...
csgovalvedemoscrosshair UpdatedDec 13, 2023 TypeScript Crosshair overlay for RivaTuner Statistics Server statisticsserveroverlaytunercrosshairrtssrivarivatuner UpdatedFeb 4, 2019 C zkxs/simple-crosshair-overlay Star30 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions ...
Crosshair Code: CSGO-h3Pz6-8BasU-DKBXU-e4KEt-YPD3J One of the most recognisable names in Counter-Strike, s1mple has won more MVP medals than any other CS player in history. Like his name, s1mple's crosshair is straightforward - just a small, thin cyan cross-section. Evidently that's...
ZywOo crosshair code CSGO-d7EsA-xQhXn-rLVbJ-JBrqQ-6eK5O ZywOo, now a major winner in CS:GO, is another player who is almost as good with an AK as the best riflers in the world, while being an AWP user primarily. He uses a cyan crosshair as shown, but is regularly playing arou...
Dycha -CSGO-Kdtdv-hGz9n-rpzGx-P87JD-ZB3YP SunPayus -CSGO-rpMou-Vdhmn-3QU4s-8v7Py-VtjjD G2 NiKo -CSGO-6Dnif-Ua2RX-DvmCw-sDYPi-pL3ED HuNter -CSGO-qXtGc-Gpikh-x64FQ-wMWHj-XQJvM jks -CSGO-OaJAv-xyo4m-VLOtY-zBt9D-GMFZG ...
Crosshair Code CSGO-az5N5-OWZuB-dhJhY-8shTW-k8aYO Style Classic Static Thickness Zero Follow Recoil No Dot Yes Length One Gap -3 Outline No Color Custom Red Zero Green 255 Blue 145 Alpha Yes 255 T Style No Deployed Weapon Gap No Sniper Width Zero ZywOo’s viewmodel viewmodel_fov 68; ...
SettingsValue Crosshair Code CSGO-24JmN-TMFyF-dqavU-3JAkA-CW9vO Style Classic Static Thickness 0 Follow Recoil No Dot No Length 2 Gap -3 Outline No Color Yellow Red 0 Green 255 Blue 165 Alpha Yes 250 T Style No Deployed Weapon Gap No Sniper Width 0S1mple’s mouse settings for CS2...
dupreeh CS:GO settings: Config, gaming gear & sensitivity used by pro Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen. Includes dupreeh's CS:GO keybindings, mouse settings, DPI, crosshair, cfg, video & graphics settings as well as his h