这点可以通过美服CF官网中的"Clan Rank"那一栏中看到。(在游戏中也会经常看到他)7: 在官网的玩家的个人页面中的"View Collection“那一栏中, 如果该玩家抽中了一把新出的枪械后,该枪械如果确确实实是新出来的,有大的机率下,不会再个人Collection那一栏中被显示出来。(之前有别的玩家说过,可能是该新武器还...
Crossfire have Ranking System which is pretty good. Higher rank you are,better gun you can buy. After playing one game match you gain Experience points and GP’s. You can buy guns or different items on your character with GP’s or SP. You can buy SP’s (SubaPoints) with real money ...