2 : to make the sign of the cross upon or over 3 : to cancel by marking a cross on or drawing a line through : strike out cross names off a list 4 : to place or fold crosswise one over the other cross the arms 5 a(1) : to run counter to : oppose (2) : to deny ...
The act itself dates back to early Christianity where Christians would cross their fingers as a sign of the cross and their beliefs. Throughout many years, the symbolism for this act came to mean good luck or well wishes instead and the idiomatic phrase was born. Usage of “Fingers Crossed...
The meaning of CROSS is a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. How to use cross in a sentence.
Constantine decorated his palace, statues, and coins with the sign of the cross, as well as the Chi-Rho monogram. By the late fourth century Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman Empire. During the fourth and fifth centuries, as Christianity moved out into the open, the...
keep one's fingers crossed, to To hope for success. This saying comes from an ancient superstition that making the sign of the cross will avert bad luck. Often put as Keep your fingers crossed, meaning “Wish me luck,” it dates from the 1920s. One writer points out it may also have...
To figure out how bad the problem was, they hid the email signup UI from the webpage whilst leaving the form invisible but still present in the webpage – reasoning that humans would stop signing up by email, revealing the spammer’s scripts. Neat!
Google Chrome crosses out the "https" in the URL ofa site if the site has a security problem. ... Regardless, if you see the "https" of a site's URL crossed out in red, you should avoid submitting any sensitive data to the page. ...
Here’s a simple self-test you can do right now: cross your arms. Now let me take a guess… Did you cross your left arm over your right one?Research has found that 7 out of 10 people cross their left arm over their right arm1. This implies that this gesture might be genetic, ...
If you ever visit Ireland, or head out for St. Patrick’s day, you’ll see lots of shamrocks. ✌️ peace sign hand The victory hand emoji stretches its index and middle fingers while folding the rest, flashing the peace sign. It’s a great way to say “peace, dude,”“deuces,...
"made in the shape of a cross, marked by a line drawn across," past-participle adjective fromcross(v.). Figurative sense of "thwarted" is from 1620s. To becrossed out"cancelled by crossing lines" is by 1780.Crossed wiresas figurative of confusion, miscommunication is by 1910. ...