1) cross-spectrally pure 交叉谱纯 1. Even in the case of slower response detector,the intensity fluctuation can be recorded accurately,and the light field iscross-spectrally pure. 当采用的是纳秒脉冲激光时,得到的赝热光场除了能极大程度地模拟真实热光场的热涨落,光场涨落服从真实热光场所具有的高斯统...
cross-spectrally purecoherencestatistical similarityelectromagnetic fieldThis paper describes the concept of cross-spectrally pure light, implications of statistical similarity of an optical field on its cross-spectral purity and cross-spectrally pure fields. First, the concept of cross-spectral purity of ...
Cross-spectrally pure light, cross-spectrally pure fields and statistical similarity in electromagnetic fields[J] . Jingjing Chen,RongSheng Lu,Feinan Chen,Jia Li.Journal of Modern Optics . 2014 (14)Chen J; Lu R S; Chen F;.Cross-spectrally pure light, cross-spectrally pure fields and ...
cross-spectrally pure beamsHanbury-Brown-Twiss experimentsdegree of coherencephotoelectric measurementsMandel's concept of cross-spectral purity is generalized to apply not only to certain kinds of beams, but also to some fields in three-dimensional regions of space. Examples of such fields are given...
In this study, it is shown that the light emerging from two pinholes, after it has passed through two identical diffusers having same correlation properties but moving in opposite directions with same linear speed, has the properties of cross-spectrally pure light. It is also shown that the ...
It is shown experimentally that light emerging from two pinholes, after passing through two diffusers having same correlation properties but moving in opposite directions with same linear speed, is cross-spectrally-pure light. It is found that the visibility of the interference fringes is related to...
In a calibration step, the light beam flows through the pure interfering gas, the middle frequency being selected to be close to the extinction maximum of the measuring gas, so that the extinction of the interfering gas is as small as possible at this middle frequency and that there is a ...
A general explicit form of the cross-spectral density function of any spatially fully coherent cross-spectrally pure field is shown. Also, an expansion of any cross-spectrally pure field as sum of the above fields is given.doi:10.1016/0030-4018(82)90169-9R. Martínez-Herrero...