1. 诞生背景 交叉相位调制(Cross-phase Modulation,简称XPM)是光纤通信中的一种非线性效应,其产生的背景主要与光纤的非线性特性有关。随着光纤通信技术的发展,光纤的传输能力和传输距离都在不断提高,这就要求光纤必须具有良好的非线性特性。XPM就是在这样的背景下诞生的,它是由于光纤的非线性折射率引起的,当光纤中...
必应词典为您提供cross-phasemodulation的释义,网络释义: 交叉相位调制;交错相位调变;交叉相位调变;
Cross-Phase Modulation in Electromagnetically Induced TransparencyChang, RocksonChang, Rockson
We propose a novel analytical model for the characterization of fiber cross-phase modulation (XPM) in ultrafast all-optical fiber wavelength converters, operating at modulation frequencies higher than 1 THz. The model is used to compare the XPM frequency limitations of a conventional and a highly ...
Self-phase modulation (SPM) and cross-phase modulation (XPM, or CPM) are two of the most important nonlinear effects in optical telecommunications. Both effects lead to a phase alteration of the pulses and are frequently called carrier-induced phase modulation (CIP). The alteration of the phase...
Copropagating fundamental-wavelength and second-harmonic femtosecond pulses of Cr: forsterite laser radiation are used to study cross-phase-modulation-induced instabilities and frequency shifts in a photonic-crystal fiber. Parametric instability of the second-harmonic probe pulse induced through cross-phase...
Copropagating fundamental-wavelength and second-harmonic femtosecond pulses of Cr: forsterite laser radiation are used to study cross-phase-modulation-induced instabilities and frequency shifts in a photonic-crystal fiber. Parametric instability of the second-harmonic probe pulse induced through cross-phase...
Cross-phase modulation (XPM) is another effect caused by the intensity dependence of the refractive index, and occurs during propagation of a composite signal. From: Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Error Correction, 2012 About this pageSet alert Also in subject area: Physics and Astronomy...
One emerging strategy in industrialized construction is the use of mass customization to increase product efficiency without sacrificing design flexibility. Effective implementation of mass customization can be done through a product platform, i.e. a configurator. However, existing configurators often lack...
It also depends on the maturity of the organization, such as the cross-organizational collaboration [70] and supply chain ties. Because the application of configurators in the construction industry is still in the early stages, we do not consider yet the influence of the maturity of the ...