Cross-NestedLogit GEV abstract Thispaperaimstodescribethejointchoiceofresidentiallocation,travelmode,anddeparturetime.First, basedonrandomutilitymaximizationtheory,theCross-NestedLogitmodelandtraditionalNLmodels areformulatedrespectively.Houseprice,traveltime,travelcost,andfactorsdepictingtheindividual socio-economiccharac...
2010. The continuous cross-nested logit model: Formulation and application for departure time choice. Transportation Research Part: B, 44, 646-661.Lemp, J.D., Kockelman, K.M., Damien, P., 2010.The continuous cross-nested logit model: Formulation and application for departure time choice. ...
► We propose a Cross-Nested Logit model for the joint choice of residential location, travel mode and departure time. ► The Cross-Nested Logit model outperforms traditional NL models. ► There is higher substitution between alternative residential locations than between alternative travel behavio...
First, based on random utility maximization theory, the Cross-Nested Logit model and traditional \{NL\} models are formulated respectively. House price, travel time, travel cost, and factors depicting the individual socio-economic characteristics are defined as exogenous variables, and the model ...
cross-nested logit modelelectric vehiclessubsidy policies optimizationtravel behavior analysisThe promotion of electric vehicles (EVs) is restricted by cruising range limitation and charging station deficiency. Given the mature development of Park and Ride (P&R) mode, which is used in many cities world...
On the covariance structure of the Cross-Nested Logit model This paper proposes a detailed analysis of the covariance structure of the Cross-Nested Logit model, widely applied thanks to its closed-form and to the ex... MA Papola - 《Transportation Research Part B Methodological》 被引量: 27...
关键词:交通工程;随机用户均衡;等价优化;多用户多模式;交叉巢式Logit 中图分类号:U491.13 文献标志码:A Multi·。userandMulti_。modeStochasticUserEquilibriumModel BasedonCross—nestedLogit HUWen—jun.ZHOUXi—zhao (1.SchoolofTransport& Communications,ShanghaiMaritimeUniversity,Shanghai200135,China; 2.Schoolof...
The Cross-Nested Logit (CNL) model is a generalization of the NL model, since it allows an alternative to belong to more than one nest, and thus allowing the specification of more flexible structures. The flexibility of the CNL model comes at the expense of estimating additional parameters ...
(nested logit model,NL)对选择方案特性,个人特性,出行特性,车辆属性和消费者认知五大类变量对消费者插电式混合动力汽车(plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,PHV)和... 丁笑 - 西南交通大学 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 新能源汽车消费者选择偏好研究 (nested logit mod-el,NL)对选择方案特性,个人特性,出行特性,车...
“A Theoretical Analysis of the Cross-Nested Logit Model - Bierlaire () Citation Context ...d, decelerated, central direction and not central direction. Given the lack of any a priori information, we fix the degrees of membership to the different nests (α jm ) to the constant value 0.5 ...