3.泛化问题:在看见过的场景和未看见过的场景中效果存在较大的差距。 主要贡献:1.提出了一个Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching(RCM)框架利用内部和外部奖励进行强化学习,引入一个循环重建奖励作为内部奖励来促使agent全局匹配指令和轨迹。 1. RCM在R2R数据集上表现最好 2. 为视觉导航任务(VLN)引入了一种新的评估设...
去年在跨模态检索/匹配 (cross-modal retrieval/matching) 方向开展了一些研究与应用,感觉比较有意思,所以想写点东西记录一下。这个研究方向并不是一个很"干净"的概念,它可以与 representation learning、contrastive learning、unsupervised leraning 等等概念交叉联系。并没有时间和能力写综述,思来想去就以研究较多的图文...
Sahgal A, Petrides M, Iversen SD: Cross-modal matching in the monkey after discrete temporal lobe lesions. Nature 1975, 257:672-674.Sahgal, A. , Petrides, M. , & Iversen, S. D. Cross-modal matching in the monkey after discrete temporal lobe lesions. Nature , 1975, 257 , 672–673...
Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision-Language Navigatio 摘要 视觉语言导航(VLN)的任务是导航一个具体的代理,在真实的3D环境中执行自然语言命令。在这篇文章,我们研究如何解决这个任务中三个至关重要的挑战:跨交叉模态基标对准,不适定反馈,泛化问题。首先,我们提出了一个...
C. Robust Cross-modal Matching鲁棒的跨模态匹配 公式(6)中 T^ 和 I^ 是hardest negative样本(意思是负样本中最难以区分的样本,使用该负样本的含义是:如果模型能够区分负样本中最难以区分的样本,那么其他所有的负样本模型都可以轻易区分了)。 对于公式(7),m是curve参数,y^是纠正后的标签。公式(7)的实际意义...
Previously we have demonstrated cross-modal matching from touch to vision in monkeys by using a series of edible vs distasteful shapes presented first in darkness and then in the light (COWEY and WEISKRANTZ [1]). In the present study we used only a single pair of shapes. On any particular...
Cross-Modal matchingThe number of research activities on multi-modal feedback cues and their potential to enhance the performance of human operators during teleoperation tasks is growing. Yet, it is still unclear how...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93445-7_2Tobias Michael Benz...
Cross-modal matching has been a highlighted research topic in both vision and language areas. Learning appropriate mining strategy to sample and weight informative pairs is crucial for the cross-modal matching performance. However, most existing metric learning methods are developed for unimodal matching...