跨模态理解需要对齐输入,从细粒度符号级别 到 粗粒度样本级别。工作的方式就是跨模态的翻译,cross-modal generation, 可以进行模态级别的建模。 所以作者提出的 OPT 模型可以从三个角度进行学习,即:token-level,modality-level,sample-level 进行建模。 从模型结构的角度上来说,主要分为如下三个部分: 1.1 Single-Mod...
跨模态理解需要对齐输入,从细粒度符号级别 到 粗粒度样本级别。工作的方式就是跨模态的翻译,cross-modal generation, 可以进行模态级别的建模。 所以作者提出的 OPT 模型可以从三个角度进行学习,即:token-level,modality-level,sample-level 进行建模。 从模型结构的角度上来说,主要分为如下三个部分: 1.1 Single-Mod...
目前已有一部分比较成熟的算法,比如ViLBERT、VisualBERT、DALL-E等。本文提出的三模态任务在国际上还属首次,研究人员提出了一种联合视觉、文本和音频的全感知预训练模型(OPT: Omni-perception pretrainer),基于language-vision-audio的三元数据组进行训练,并可以适用于不同的下游任务,包括给定单、双、三模态输入等。 OP...
Cross-modal generation by inClust+ The multi-omics dataset contains data from multiple modalities, and could be used as a reference to complete the monomodal data into multimodal data. Our inClust+ can extract information from multi-omics reference, and translate monomodal data into data of...
(CVPR'22) ZeroCap: Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic (ICLR'23) Visual Classification via Description from Large Language Models (Arxiv'23) BLIP-2: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training with Frozen Image Encoders and Large Language Models ...
Cross-modal generationBackground With the development of single-cell technology, many cell traits can be measured. Furthermore, the multi-omics profiling technology could jointly measure two or more traits in a single cell simultaneously. In order to process the various data accumulated rapidly, ...
We introduce a cross-modal generation strategy to explore the potential consistency of visual representations between different modalities. The aggregation of the cross-modal generation strategy and the Siamese network aims to reduce the domain differences between different modalities and capture the ...
Generative adversarial network (GAN) has achieved impressive success on cross-domain generation, but it faces difficulty in cross-modal generation due to the lack of a common distribution between heterogeneous data. Most existing methods of conditional based cross-modal GANs adopt the strategy of one...
几篇论文实现代码:《Cross-Modal Contextualized Diffusion Models for Text-Guided Visual Generation and Editing》(ICLR 2024) GitHub: github.com/YangLing0818/ContextDiff [fig5] 《APISR: Anime Produc...
In this paper, we propose an Omni-perception Pre-Trainer (OPT) for cross-modal understanding and generation, by jointly modeling visual, text and audio resources. OPT is constructed in an encoder-decoder framework, including three single-modal encoders to generate token-based embeddings for each ...