核心思想是multi-grained alignment和data-dependent label smoothing。前者一般是通过标注框+GIOU loss得到(难以大量获取),后者需要依赖一个预训练模型。作者把两者结合起来,算是一个比较高效的方式,思路也不难获得,主要效果取决于预训练模型的性能
The dual-path alignment。(减小模态之间的差异) 两种对齐: text-to-visual(视觉特征),visual-to-text(多粒度语义表示)。 具体步骤: - 开始时,视频tokens输入过p全连接层,产生多样的clip-level的视觉特征V \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times n \times d },于多粒度句子表示的输入对应。接下来使用text-to-visual...
In order to address these issues, we propose a Cross-modal Alignment with Graph Reasoning (CAGR) model, in which the refined cross-modal features in the common feature space are learned and then a fine-grained cross-modal alignment method is implemented. Specifically, we introduce a graph ...
Align as Ideal: Cross-Modal Alignment Binding forFederated Medical Vision-Language Pre-trainingZitao ShuaiEECS DepartmentUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI 48105ztshuai@umich.eduLiyue Shen ∗EECS DepartmentUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI 48105liyues@umich.eduAbstractVision-language pre-training (...
Cross-modal alignment aims to build a bridge connecting vision and language. It is an important multi-modal task that efficiently learns the semantic similarities between images and texts. Traditional fine-grained alignment methods heavily rely on pre-trained object detectors to extract region features...
In this paper, we introduce Cross-modal Alignment with mixture experts Neural Network (CameNN) recommendation model for intral-city retail industry, which aims to provide fresh foods and groceries retailing within 5 hours delivery service arising for the outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ...
Mix and Match Networks: Cross-Modal Alignment for Zero-Pair Image-to-Image Translation. Int J Comput Vis 128, 2849–2872 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-020-01340-z Download citation Received01 March 2019 Accepted12 May 2020 Published15 June 2020 Issue DateDecember 2020 DOIhttps://...
Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP This is the official implementation of AlignCLIP and provides the source code for pre-training SharedCLIP as well as AlignCLIP. The implementation is based on the OpenCLIP. 🏃 We're currently running training...
Experimental results show thatour DCM embedding successfully organises instances over time.Quantitative experiments, conf i rm that DCM is able to preservesemantic cross-modal correlations at each instant t while also pro-viding better alignment capabilities. Qualitative experiments unveilnew ways to ...
提出了一种新的 Vision-Semantic Alignment(VSA)方法,用于加强跨模态特征对齐 提出了一种新的 Information Enhancement Module(IEM),用于减少隐变量崩溃的可能性 网络结构 ACMR Net 结构图 Generalized Zero-Shot Learning X=\left\{X^{S}, X^{U}\right\} 表示图片的视觉空间, A=\left\{A^{S}, A^{U}\...