The meaning of CROSS is a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. How to use cross in a sentence.
The meaning of CROSS is a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. How to use cross in a sentence.
a combining form ofcross, used to indicate an interaction or exchange of two or more things (cross-addicted, cross-cultural, cross-pollination), the extension across a space or the covering of a distance (cross-border, crosscountry), or the passing across or perpendicular intersection with some...
These associations with famous personalities add further significance as one of the top baby titles. Hence, it should be no surprise that the baby name Cross deserves all the attention and popularity. It has a profound meaning and resonates with the Christians in particular. Cross Meaning Cross...
Genetics.a cross in which both parents are first-generation hybrids from single crosses, thus involving four inbred lines. double-cross 2 [duhb-uhl-kraws,-kros] Phonetic (Standard)IPA verb (used with object) ,Informal. to prove treacherous to; betray or swindle, as by a double cross. ...
The swastika, a Greek cross with lines projecting at right angles from each of its arms, has been found in many parts of the world. It was used by the ancient peoples of Central and South America as a symbol of the rain god. Moreover, the symbol can be found throughout much of the...
'intersect'. 'Intersect' is a verb used to talk about things like lines, roads and paths which overlap each other. As an alternative to 'intersect', you could say the two lines 'cross each other'. 'Intersect' can also mean divide a space into smaller areas by crossing it with lines....
cross it Definitions include: to have sex with cross (one's) fingers Definitions include: a physical gesture one performs for good luck. cross swords Definitions include: when two or more males urinate in the same basin. fingers crossed Definitions include: to express that one is literally or...
Sense of "cause to interbreed" is from 1754. In telegraphy, electricity, etc., in reference to accidental contact of two wires on different circuits or different parts of a circuit that allows part of the current to flow from one to the other, from 1884. Meaning "to cheat" is by 1823...
The meaning of CROSS is a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. How to use cross in a sentence.