Without action, my health was only getting worse. I had a vision of my sweaty, overweight, and out of breath self trying to keep up with my future unborn children and it was disquieting. My vision of the future would be an enormous disappointment to my childhood self, who had always pla...
5、well-being of Taiwan compatriots, 台湾同袍的福祉 The objective, said the circular, is to make Fujian the first-choice destination for Taiwan residents and enterprises to pursue development on the mainland. The province will see more convenient personnel exchanges with Taiwan when the demonstration...
They said the talks demonstrated the political wisdom of replacing confrontation with dialogue, of resolving differences through communication, and of promoting cooperation through consultation, adding that people from both sides of the Strait should adhere to the 1992 Consensus and promote the peaceful d...
Commemorations of all sorts have been held across the United States throughout the year, many concurrently with celebrations of traditional Chinese festivals.By getting to know these festivals and engaging in the festivities, many Americans have developed a better understanding of the Chinese culture,...
For example, C(:,1) is equal to the cross product of A(:,1) with B(:,1).Cross Product of Multidimensional ArraysCreate two 3-by-3-by-3 multidimensional arrays of random integers.A = randi(10,3,3,3); B = randi(25,3,3,3);Find the cross product of A and B, treating the...
The themes at the heart of this poem are racism and identity. The speaker is struggling with the latter because of the former. He has felt anger at his parents in the past, but that’s faded now that they’re gone. But he’s still trying to come to terms with who he is. Similar...
跨浏览器实现等高栏 Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS In the example above we have three columns each with a different amount of content. You will notice that the problem is the column background colours stretch only as far down as the height of the content they contain. This is ...
Jerusalem cross - a cross with equal arms, each terminating in a small crossbar Latin cross - a cross with the lowest arm being longer than the others cross of Lorraine, Lorraine cross - a cross with two crossbars, one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical, the lower longer...
Despite being more akin to geometrical imperfections, the local buckling stress of a circular tube is much higher (orders of magnitude) than that of a similar square tube (with equal thickness and cross-sectional area). Therefore, the local buckling of circular tubes was not considered herein ...