Cross wavelet and wavelet coherence toolbox for MATLAB Aslak Grinsted, John Moore and Svetlana Jevrejeva Website of the toolbox Grinsted, A., J. C. Moore, S. Jevrejeva (2004), Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence to geophysical time series, Nonlin. Process. Geop...
cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence 下载积分: 50 内容提示: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (2004) 11: 561–566SRef-ID: 1607-7946/npg/2004-11-561 Nonlinear Processesin Geophysics© European Geosciences Union 2004Application of the cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence togeophysical...
An algorithm for finding the location of continuous acoustic waves resulted from leakage is provided by MATLAB software. The used leak locating technique is a combination of wavelet transform, filtering, and cross-correlation methods. The resulted acoustic emission signals were analyzed into high and ...
An algorithm for finding the location of continuous acoustic waves resulted from leakage is provided by MATLAB software. The used leak locating technique is a combination of wavelet transform, filtering, and cross-correlation methods. The resulted acoustic emission signals were analyzed into high and ...
The least-squares cross-wavelet analysis complements the LSWA in the study of the coherency and phase differences of two series of any type. A MATLAB software package including a graphical user interface is developed for these methods to aid researchers in analyzing pairs of series. The package ...
Research on application of multimedia image processing technology based on wavelet transform With the development of information technology, multimedia has become a common information storage technology. The original information query technology has been difficult to adapt to the development of this n......
UMapxis based on several separate frameworks (AForge.NET, Accord.NET, Alglib, etc). Some functions have been ported from other programming languages and their toolboxes and libraries (Fortran, MATLAB, C++, Python). The purpose of this generalization was the declarative understanding of algorithms...
One-dimensionalcontinuous wavelettransform was carried out on waveform signal by choosing suitable Coif5 wavelet basis function from Wavelet toolbox in MATLAB. 通过在MATLAB小波工具箱中选择合适的Coif5小波基函数对波形信号进行一维连续小波变换,发现从变换后得到的小波系数线及其最大值可以得到反映桩身应力波传播...
Wavelet transformIn this paper, a novel hybrid method based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and cross-correlation function (CCF) is proposed for the differential protection of the power transformers. The key idea of using the wavelet transform is the existence of high-frequency components in ...
(Discrete Wavelet Transform) [39], DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) [40], and DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) [41]. In the spatial domain, techniques may involve substitution, which alters pixel values, and permutation, which rearranges pixel positions to achieve the desired confusion and ...