Dorner (1974) noted that clothes serve many purposes related to climate, technological advances, sexual display, political, social and economic structures, historical precedent, and the influence of the mass media. The latter create images of masculine and feminine idealized types that can have ...
The Female Orgasm Scale (FOS) (McIntyre-Smith & Fisher,2011b) assesses the consistency of orgasm depending on different types of stimulation (PVI, PVI and direct clitoral stimulation, stimulation by the partner's hand, oral sex, and self-stimulation of the clitoris during sex with a partner),...
This study examined observers' perceptions of nine different types of touch (including a "no touch" control condition) used in cross-sex relationships between coworkers. Results showed that face touch sends particularly strong relational and emotional messages. A soft touch in the cheek area of the...
It refers to the shared or similar meanings that exist across languages, allowing for connections to be made between different linguistic systems. This article explores the phenomenon of cross-association in linguistics, discussing its significance, types, and examples. Significance of Cross-association ...
127K Learn about art in the Early Middle Ages. Explore the history, types, and characteristics of early medieval art, and see examples of famous works and artists. Related to this QuestionWhat does the Celtic cross symbolize? What is a Celtic cross? What is the origin of the Celtic cross...
In biology, it helps to learn the meanings of prefixes and stem words. The prefix "di-" means "two", and the word "hybrid" means to cross two different things. In this case, "di-" refers to two genes. The word hybrid is used because the two heterozygote individuals were formed by ...
We used biological sex as the grouping variable; the four types of tobacco use behaviors as dependent variables; sexual orientation as the main predictor; and age, ethnicity, race, school type, and parental education as covariates. In this multivariate multiple regression, no equality constraints ...
Women differentiated more between types of violations in their evaluations than did men. There also were several significant gender differences in approval of norm violations. As expected, women tended to have relatively high expectations of their friendships in situations involving trust and intimacy, ...
Women differentiated more between types of violations in their evaluations than did men. There also were several significant gender differences in approval of norm violations. As expected, women tended to have relatively high expectations of their friendships in situations involving trust and intimacy, ...
The original CAS was translated to TC successfully. However, some adjustments were made to clarify ambiguous meanings and correct the ambivalent wordings. For instance, bowel movement (i.e., 腸蠕動) was changed to 排便; 一直想要大便卻不乾淨 (Defecation; always wanting to have a bowel movement ...