This practitioner's guide is based on examples which highlight the usefulness of cross tabulation as a tool for investigating cause-effect relationships in the business environment. Although cross-tabulations are common in statistical analysis, many managers need a better understanding of the data ...
Click OK, and the cross-tabulation will look something like this. Interpretation of the Result There is at least one child in every age group from 11 to 18, except 13. The dataset included 15 children. Seven of these children aren’t vaccinated, while eight are. The most non-vaccinated ...
Cross-tabulation of demographic factors against this variable was used to examine whether similar proportions of all subgroups of patients found the assistance helpful. Measures of association between categorical variables were assessed using the chi-square test, with a p-value < 0.05 indicating a...
Another limitation, our acceptance of estimated data in special situations when computer tabulations were not available, might have created risk for error in the estimation of the proportion of AHCs with two primary care clinics that differed in their Medicaid populations. The limitations of our rese...
The proportion of urban, semi-urban and rural, female and male, high and low socio-economic status, Kigali and the other regions, social categories, educational level, and age groups in the three GDQS categories, high, medium and low, were also calculated through cross-tabulation. Statistical ...
The number of collaborating institutions for each sub-analysis was different because each sub-analysis required detailed tabulation such as positive numbers for HBs antigen and/or HCV antibody. The reasons for non-participation were mainly lack of time, cost of modifying the system to collect data,...
Using R version 4.3.2 data validation, cleaning, and analysis were performed. Prevalence of potential HR/HR HPV was calculated as a proportion of study participants expressed as a frequency and percentage. The variables were then explored using tabulations. Specifically, the factors associated with ...
Cross-tabulations between the test and retest showed that respondents changed responses most from the ideal level to the no needs level and vice versa. The English preference weights show that the perceived differences between these levels are small compared to differences between other levels. ...
WMS and JAA designed the study and performed fieldwork; JAA performed statistical analysis with input from WMS; JAA wrote the manuscript and WMS wrote sections of the methods; MAD critically reviewed and edited drafts of the manuscript and gave important suggestions on interpretation of results and...
Chi-square analysis was used to present cross-tabulation between violence, drug addiction, and school-related variables. A p-value of ≤0.05 was considered to be significant. 3. Results Out of 440 high-school students, five were excluded as their parents declined the study, and 21 students ...