与之对应的还有Out Apply,下面讲解一下Cross Apply 和 Outer Apply 的区别: 首先是Cross Apply: SELECT * FROM tableA a CROSS APPLY (select * from tableB where id=a.id) b 这个结果集和 select * from tableA a inner join tableB b on a.id=b.id 一模一样,这就相当于inner join 的连接查询嘛...
Notice that the PIVOT operator takes the derived table, which is named SourceTable, as input and “rotates” the LifeStatus values from rows to columns.
在SQL Server数据库创建tb1、tb2表及插入测试数据 create table tb1(id decimal(6,0),info varchar(10),age decimal(4,0)); insert into tb1 values(1,'A',22); insert into tb1 values(2,'B',16); insert into tb1 values(3,'C',28); create table tb2(id decimal(6,0),info varchar...
server, database or table and avoided having to select the connection for the query to run on, but then I would have had to specify where to save the .sql file. But because I happened to start with the file, I have to explicitly choose the connection. After selecting the connection, ...
(2)sql语句 select * from table1 full join table2 on table1.id=table2.id ---结果--- id name id score --- 1 lee 1 90 2 zhang 2 100 4 wang NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 70 --- 注释:返回左右连接的和(见上左、右连接) 内连接
语法:INTO new_table 分析:new_table制定了新建表的名称,新表的列由select子句指定的列构成,数据行由where子句指定。 3) FROM子句:指定需要进行数据查询的表。 语法:FROM{ < table_source> } [ ,...n] 分析:Table_source指明select语句要用到的表、视图等数据源。 4...
Learn how to use memory-optimized table variables in cross-database queries to move data from one database to memory-optimized tables in another in SQL Server.
DECLARE @t TABLE ( i INT CHECK (i BETWEEN 1 AND 20 ) PRIMARY KEY --check约束,主键约束,整数约束 ); INSERT INTO @t ( i ) SELECT number FROM master..spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND number BETWEEN 1 AND 20; --构建题库表 DECLARE @tadd TABLE ( i INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY...
以前一直没有注意到apply这个05新特性的使用,最近看到一本书介绍此功能,发现这个功能是真香啊。 让一下测试用例说明一下 declare@suppliertable(supidint,supnamevarchar(50))insertinto@supplier(supid,supname)select1,'华为'unionallselect2,'苹果'unionallselect3,'小米'declare@productstable(supidint,proidint,...
So the large Table is OPERATIONS_BY_WORKCENTER on Server1 and the smaller table is tblWorkCenter on Server2 I have no clue how to do this... Hi,@Alvord, Timothy Welcome to Microsoft T-SQL Q&A Forum! Step1:use sp_addlinkedserver---Here is alinkabout sp_addlinkedserver ...