Qlikview使用VBS导出Crosstable 很多时候用户会有这样的需求,就是qlikview设计好的一张透视表,如果直接用qlikview的send to excel功能,那么导出之后已经没有pivot table的效果的,如下图 那么下面我用宏导出这张透视表,导出后格式与qlikview一致,代码如下: sub Export set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") ...
A cross table is a common type of table featuring a matrix of values between two or more orthogonal lists of header data, of which one is used ascolumnd headers. A typical example could be to have one column per month. To transform a cross table into a straight table, use acrosstablep...
QlikView App Dev Total line in cross table Search Not applicable 2014-08-04 08:05 AM Total line in cross table Hello everyone, I need your help because I want to display a total line in a cross table. I have a cross table with several dimensions and expressions. As you can ...
QlikView - Cross Tables - While analyzing data, we come across situations where we desire columns to become rows and vice-versa. It is not just about transposing, it also involves rolling up many columns together or repeating many values in a row many ti