Searching for a perfect cross stitch pattern? Shop at SmartCrosstitch to find unique embroidery designs. A lot of FREE cross stitch patterns.
Fall in love with crafting. Unique and beautiful modern cross stitch designs, professionally created with over 15 years of charting experience.
1. The name of the product design: Cross stitch (wedding). 2.该外观设计产品的用途:用于室内装饰. 2. The use of the product design: for indoor decoration. 3.该外观设计的设计要点:在于其形状和图案. 3. The design features of the design: in its shapes and patterns. 4.最能表现设计要点的...
Wedding Artist Highlights Cockadoodle Cards by Draw Madeleine Floyd Laura Ann Simon Bull The Home of Happy Stitching! Stitching has been a life-long hobby of Kate Golby which led her to start Bothy Threads Ltd back in 1993. We now stock a large and beautiful selection of cross stitch and...
Keep Calm and Love Who You Wantfrom PrettyWittyPatterns on Etsy Love Wins Wedding Samplercross stitch patternfrom Subversive Cross Stitch Love is Lovecross stitch patternfrom CraftTimeInArkham on Etsy Love is Lovecross stitch patternfrom ScarvesToEurope on Etsy ...
Modern and cute cross stitch kits and patterns designed by me in sunny Dorset. My creations feature British wildlife mixed with typography and aspects of nature. They are avavilabe as a gift wrapped kit which would make a lovely gift for a wedding couple
This will help when turning the cross stitch into a pillow/cushion. The cross stitch pattern is only on the front of the pillow and cushion. A plain fabric is used for the back. 2. A lot of cross stitch patterns recommend that you start in the middle. However, with this pillow I ...
The original home of the cross-stitch family portrait, helping stitchers design their own projects since 2014!
Choose from thousands of original cross stitch patterns designed by your favorite popular designers. Order online and instantly print your patterns right on your own home printer. Plus, use our Caption/Border Maker tool to instantly chart your own words.
Shop for Cross stitch patterns and charts with Creative Poppy. Instant download. Great designers, unique selection of patterns. New patterns added everyday!