If you can’t get the back issue of the magazine, you can buy the pattern as a PDF download on the Belle and Boo site:Windy Day Cross Stitch Pattern. Here is my current progress: So, you can see I’ve getting close to finishing the full stitching. Then I’ll just have lots of ...
Mary Engelbreit Cross-StitchCollects cross-stitch patterns for thirteen of the artist's greeting cards, including "My best friend," Brotherly love," and "Peace and love," and offers project finishing ideasMary EngelbreitChristopher Cavanaugh
The Gift of Stitching Magazine The online shop will close February 28 2025.
图书Helen Philipps' Cross Stitch Garden Notebook: With Ideas for Using Charms and Buttons to Enhance Your Cross Stitch Embroidery 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Cross stitch message board to post your questions, find information, or just chat with other stitchers.
Finishing a cross stitch (counting 5 threads along the weft, then counting 5 threads along the warp, to finish a "X"). Once accomplished a level, there was a page of celebration to encourage the learner. (2) Providing demonstration with simple animation. Cross-stitch skills were subtle, ...
A[英文版]Modern Folk-art Cross Stitch 50+ Designs, 11 Projects, 15 Bonus Gift Ideas 2021 手工十字绣杂志 2021年 十字绣 手工 英国 英语 此资源下载价格为1金币,请先登录2021年-09月-26日 0 条评论 497 次阅读 点赞 <-- 觉得不错的话,分享给您的朋友吧!