In this study, we investigate Zongteng, which is one of the first cross-border e-commerce companies in China, to assess how supply chain innovation activities can become core to a firm's business model innovation. Data were collected from Zongteng senior managers, internal company documents, and...
American companies have full legal capacity in many countries around the world. This also means that LLCs can, in principle, be entered into the land register. This does not have any tax advantages. However, the flexible US corporate law enables the uncomplicated entry of additional or new ...
The eight French companies6 we used for our data are sometimes described as blue chips7. They are diverse in terms of both industry and market capitalization, and consist of Air France KLM (AF), France Telecom (FTE), Alcatel (ALC), AXA, Sanofi (SAN), Veolia (VEO), Thomson (TMS), ...