网络交叉极化强度鉴别 网络释义 1. 交叉极化强度鉴别 译网情深 -... ...XPD Cross Polarization Discrimination交叉极化强度鉴别XPN eXternal Priority Number 外部优先权编号 ...|基于12个网页
Based on this model, the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) is derived as a function of critical model parameters, such as the elevation angle of the platform and the distribution of the scatterers.Emmanouel T. MichailidisParaskevi Petropoulou...
Cross-Polarization Discrimination (交叉極化的區隔)(continued) Two measures are in use to quantify the effects of polarization interference: Cross-Polarization Discrimination (交叉極化區隔度): The most widely used measure is called Cross-Polarization Discrimination (XPD). Co-polar component of E1 = E...
An approximate formula is derived for the on-axis cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) of a symmetrical reflector antenna with random surface errors. This XPD depends on only two parameters, namely, the normalized r.m.s. surface error (/) and the polarization-loss efficiency (n)....
CanadaRain and icecrystal depolarization measurements were made on earthspace paths at four locations across Canada using the circularlypolarized 11.7 GHz beacon transmission from the cts satellite. Results show that when rain is the dominant depolarization mechanism, crosspolarization discrimination ( xpd ...
The performance of polarization diversity schemes at a base station in small/micro cells at 1800 MHz The aim of this paper is to evaluate experimentally the relationships between cross-polarization discrimination (XPD), signal cross correlation, and polari... Lempiainen, J.J.A,Laiho-Steffens, J...
This paper presents a general formula for the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antennas configuration at a mobile in indoor propagation environment. A statistical distribution indoor model is developed to character the transmission of vertically and ...
The resulting signals are detected at receiving antennas which are designed to have a high cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) such that co- and cross-polarizations of the resulting signals are separable for further processing. The receiving antennas of the present invention comprise elliptical ...
Characteristics of cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) are\ninvestigated by the CS-3 beacon signal observations on a Ka-band\nsatellite-to-ground path for the years of 1988-1992. It is found that\nsevere depolarization is not so much correlated with rainfall rates as\nthe attenuation that ...