Observe locally, infer globally: a space-time mrf for detecting abnormal activities with incremental updates. In 2009 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pages 2921±2928. IEEE, 2009. [9] Cewu Lu, Jianping Shi, and Jiaya Jia. Abnormal event...
Soares, M??rcio R. F.Bianchi, Ot??vioSpringer Berlin HeidelbergPolymer BulletinEffect of dynamic cross-linking on phase morphology and dynamic mechanical properties of polyamide 12/ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer blends[J] . Fabrício Bondan,Márcio R. F. Soares,Otávio Bianchi.Polymer Bulletin ....
since “muscle strength, to a great extent, governs the amount of function of a part.” While this might seem obvious now, many early measurement devices were not standardized and their use was not subject to guidelines for positioning a patient or calibration that could be reproduced...
Foanmrf3107a NAPPOR1D//NAppro1d DNTLLOECS21T//TRDleIlcN21/Nostrin RPPBPP14R/R9bAp/4Ppp1r9a ACDDCIPY15/C/Addipc1y5 LTDBXB125/L/Tdbb2x15 PPARLUMN/EP2a/lmPrune2 EEAPAQPSRSRPV8R1/B/GEA/pP/qEsaps8r1rvrbg TPMCDEFHF129//TPmcdehff129 TCMCRAEERABCL527//CM/Traecrebca52l7 WTPLGR...
125–131. 23. Kim, J.; Englebienne, G.; Truong, K.P.; Evers, V. Towards speech emotion recognition "in the wild" using aggregated corpora and deep multi-task learning. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2017, Stockholm,...
etnheoppteimrfoizrimnganthce iumnprerloiavbelme ennetwisomrku, cthhesmCOalOleRr.(P) method will also have a limiAteds mimepnrtoivoenmedenatbeoffveect, oinn tdheelayC.OAOccRo(rPd)inmg etothFoidgu, rteh1e9fba,rtthheerentdh-etod-eisntdandceelayfromf trtahdeitisoinnakl in the network...
[125], polymer formation during storage of milk protein powders was correlated with the formation of particular Maillard reaction products. They also found that high molecular weight polymers mainly consist of αS1-casein and only smaller amounts of αS2-, β-, and κ-casein [58]. Cross-...
ptheerfporemrfoarnmceanocfethoef tChAeWCATWinTcrienacsreesaswesitwh itihncirnecarseeasien insksekwewededanagnlgel.eS.iSmimilailralyrl,y,imimpprorovveemmeennt tinin tthhee ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ooff VVAAWWTTttuurrbbinineedduueettoosskkeewweeddflfloowwisisrreeppoorrteteddinin[6[6,3,333,...