Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) technology was developed in Switzerland and Germany in the 1990s and is commonly used in Europe. It is becoming common in Canada and is already in use in the United States. This material is marketed as "green" and "sustainable," since it uses a renewable ...
正交胶合木(Cross-laminatedtimber,CLT)是一种至少由3层实木锯材或结构复合板材正交组坯,采用结构胶黏剂压制而成的矩形、直线、平面板材形式的工厂预制工程木产品。使用的结构复合板包括单板层积材(Laminated veneer lumber,LVL)、木条定向层积材(Laminated strand lumber,LSL)、定向刨花方材(Oriented strand lumber,OSL)...
Stories about architecture that uses cross-laminated-timber, the prefabricated wooden panels otherwise known as CLT, including towers, pavilions and cabins.
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a mass timber product that can replace concrete and steel in modern construction. As buildings become more sustainable and timber structures grow larger,CLT has become a popular solution for floors, roofs, walls, and stairsdueto its strength, appearance, and versat...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Cross Laminated Timber at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
CLT( Cross-laminated timber)技术很容易被误解为胶合板(Plywood)或胶合层压板/复合层压板(Laminated timber / Glulam)。 其实不然,从原材料和制作方式及其形态来看,胶合板是由比较薄的木单板制成,虽然也是相邻两层木板项目垂直,并胶粘而成,但是制作工艺和其性能跟CLT完全不同,板材很薄,原材料多使用红橡、桦木...
new location in a central financial park and cultural arena. To make a large-scale bank in timber challenges the notion of a strong, robust bank, while breaking ground for the use of structural timber. The main structure of the 13 200m2 over ground is made of timber up to seven floors....
Timber construction could get even greener with a little help from AI Sustainable timber architecture is already relatively environmentally friendly, but there's always room for improvement. A new startup says it could reduce waste in the manufacturing process of cross-laminated timber by up to 30...
SAN FRANCISCO, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Engineering researchers are putting an innovative two-story structure made of cross-laminated timber panels through a series of seismic tests to determine how it would perform in an earthquake. "The overarching goal of the project is to propose a design method...