词汇 cross-hatch 释义 Definition of cross-hatch in English:cross-hatch verb[with object]often as noun cross-hatching (in drawing or graphics) shade (an area) with intersecting sets of parallel lines. (绘画或制图用语)用相交的多组平行线把(某区域)涂暗 the region is defined by diagonal cross-...
cross·hatch (krôs′hăch′, krŏs′-) tr.v.cross·hatched,cross·hatch·ing,cross·hatch·es To mark or shade with two or more intersecting sets of parallel lines. n. 1.A pattern made by such lines. 2.The symbol (#).
cross·hatch (krôs′hăch′, krŏs′-) tr.v.cross·hatched,cross·hatch·ing,cross·hatch·es To mark or shade with two or more intersecting sets of parallel lines. n. 1.A pattern made by such lines. 2.The symbol (#).
I'm plotting pathlines in a simple 2D model that initially move in the positive x-direction but then turn around to end up on the other boundary. When I plot it with plain matplotlib as follows I get this, which I would expect: plt.plot(trace['x'],trace['z']) However, the result...
LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad (www.qcad.org). LibreCAD has been re-structured and ported to qt4 and works natively cross platform between OSX, Windows and Linux. - rmdz76/LibreCAD
2nos of new samples to be checked against technical drawing. Testing report is provided to customers before bulk production. For finished materials 6. For valves, pressure testing and temperature testing is required for each valve. 7. After we get th...
the last known location detected by VHF towers (solid lines – the starting location was well known, dashed line – the starting location was approximated). Maps were created using the R46(version 3.2.4,https://www.r-project.org/), package ‘ggmap’....
line - mark with lines; "sorrow had lined his face" reline - put new lines on; "reline the paper" nock, score, mark - make small marks into the surface of; "score the clay before firing it" hatch - draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper; "hatc...
LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad (www.qcad.org). LibreCAD has been re-structured and ported to qt4 and works natively cross platform between OSX, Windows and Linux. - qtonthat/LibreCAD
LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCAD (www.qcad.org). LibreCAD has been re-structured and ported to Qt version 4 and works natively cross platform between OS X, Windows and Linux. See http://www.librecad.org User Manual and wiki We are in the pro...