A perfectly conceived cross-examination may result in the expert answering "yes" 20 or 30 consecutive times and then leaving the witness stand. Surviving on cross-exam: tips for expert witnesses Crown Courts in Leeds, Liverpool and Kingstonupon-Thames - are testing pre-trial cross-examination. ...
As cross-examination progresses, your atti tude with lay witnesses should deviate lit tle from this stance; but with expert wit nesses, you can depart from this approach considerably. Jurors identify with lay witnesses more than they do with attorneys. If you are polite and ...
Capitalized, the word refers to the specific cross on which the execution took place; in this way, it is also a metonym for the Christian religion. (A metonym is a figure of speech in which a detail associated with an entity or an idea represents the entire entity or idea.) Metaphoricall...
For an expert, you have to be even more prepared than you are for other types of witnesses. Cross-examination is all about the preparation. How you prepare is the key question, because when you're in the moment, it’s too late to prepare. However, even open-ended questions should ...
As cross-examination progresses, your atti tude with lay witnesses should deviate lit tle from this stance; but with expert wit nesses, you can depart from this approach considerably. Jurors identify with lay witnesses more than they do with attorneys. If you are polite and ...