Let's explore cross-entropy functions in detail and discuss their applications in machine learning, particularly for classification issues.
计算图(Computational Graphs)通常包含两种元素,一个是 tensor,另一个是 Function。张量 tensor 不必多说,但是大家可能对 Function 比较陌生。这里 Function 指的是在计算图中某个节点(node)所进行的运算,比如加减乘除卷积等等之类的,Function 内部有 forward() 和 backward() 两个方法,分别应用于正向、反向传播。 i...
To further enhance the representational capability of the model, we utilize Multi-Head Graph Convolution (MHGC). Finally, we adopt the cross-entropy (CE) loss function to describe the difference between the predicted results of node categories and the ground truth (GT). Combined with back...
使用CrossEntropyLoss 或者 NLLLoss 作为损失函数时,通过 converter 工具转换训练模型报错,错误信息:encounter an unknown error, please verify the input model file or build the debug version。如果换成 MSELoss 就可以转换成功。 系统:Windows 11 环境下的 WSL2 Ubuntu 系统,参考官方文档安装配置运行环境,Mindspor...
CrossEntropyLossLayer["Probabilities"] 表示一个网络层,通过比较输入类概率向量与目标类概率向量计算交叉熵损失. CrossEntropyLossLayer["Binary"] 表示一个网络层,通过比较输入概率标量与目标概率标量计算二值交叉熵损失,其中每个概率表示一个二值选择.更多...
This function returns "probabilities" and a cross entropy loss. To obtain predictions, use `tf.argmax` on the returned probabilities. This function requires labels to be passed in one-hot encoding. Args: tensor_in: Input tensor, [batch_size, feature_size], features. ...
In the model training process, the cross-entropy loss function and Adam optimizer are used to continuously optimize the model parameters and reduce the loss. The batch size is 15, the learning rate is 0.001, and the iteration epoch number is 100. After the shallow features are extracted, we...
def cross_entropy_loss_gradient(p, y): """Gradient of the cross-entropy loss function for p and y. p: (T, 1) vector of predicted probabilities. y: (T, 1) vector of expected probabilities; must be one-hot -- one and only one element of y is 1; the rest are 0. Returns a (...