Theanalysisof thecontextualmeaningatthesecond levelis basedonthetheoriesofspeechactsofpragmaticsandcross-culturecommunication. 在这个层面上对语境意义的分析是以语用学的言语行为理论和跨文化交际理论为基础的。 Theculturalglobalizationnot onlywidensthefieldandenrichesthecontentofcross-culturecommunicatio...
cross-culture 例句 1.When art and culture are strictly attached to a nation we lose the cross- culture ties that bind many different peoples together . 当艺术和文化严格依附于国家时,我们就失去了把诸多民族凝聚在一起的跨文化纽带。 2.The analysis of the contextual meaning at the second level is...
The essay firstly analyzes the meaning of the trans-culture communication, including the value orientation of it, and the culture clashes brought about by it, as well as the causes for the clashes. 文章首先分析了跨文化的内涵,包括跨文化的价值取向和由此而产生的文化冲突及原因;其次,探讨了跨文化...
Definingculture InChinese,itis文化Ifafarmersays“我没文化,不识字”,hereitmeansilliterate.Ifapersonislookingatanabstractpaintingandsays“我文化水平不够高,欣赏不了这幅画”,whathemeansistaste.Whatisculture?Inabroadsense,itmeansthetotalwayoflifeofapeople,includingthepatternsofbelief,customs,objects,institutions,...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 经济/贸易/财会--财政/国家财政 文档标签: of跨文化partPartPart1跨文化PART 系统标签: culturalconceptsculturereisingernitionsbehaviour Part1ConceptsofCross-CulturalBehaviourinTourismThispartdiscussesthemaingeneralconceptsincross-culturaltourismbehaviourthatwereidentifiedonthebasis...
1.An Trans-culture Feature under Perspective of Transformation——A Comparative Study between English Lover and Fu Sang;多棱镜像营造的跨文化景观——《英国情人》与《扶桑》之比较 2.The essay firstly analyzes the meaning of the trans-culture communication, including the value orientation of it, and ...
THANK YOU! Defining cross-cultural pragmatics Defining culture In Chinese, it is 文化 If a farmer says “ 我没文化,不识字”, here it means illiterate. If a person is looking at an abstract painting and says “我文化水平不够高,欣赏 不了这幅画”, what he means is taste. What is ...
Pleasure, meaning or spirituality: Cross-cultural differences in orientations to happiness across 12 countriesHappinessWell-beingLife satisfactionCultureFirms and institutions are increasingly embracing well-being initiatives as a critical way to retain and engage with their employees, customers and citizens ...
and indeed this is not a universal cultural symbol. The human ability to assign arbitrary meaning to any object, behavior or condition makes people enormously creative and readily distinguishes culture from animal behavior. People can teach animals to respond to cultural symbols, but anima...