Cross-Cultural Psychology is a leading textbook offering senior undergraduate and graduate students a thorough and balanced overview of the whole field of cross-cultural psychology. The team of internationally acclaimed authors present the latest empirical research, theory, methodology and applications from...
Theories in cross-cultural psychology include those on each of the sub-categories below, as well as theories such as Hofstede's cultural dimension theory. Language and Cognition Solutions: 122 Raising children in different cultures results in the learning of different languages as well as differences...
Related Terms Comparisons ; Cultural diversity ; Cultural variations ; Global psychology ; Multiculturalism ; Relativism cultural ; Universality Description Psychological science consists of a number of perspectives and methodological approaches to research and modes of inquiry. These include the developmental,...
Within a universalistic framework the book emphasises not only research on basic processes and theory, but also methodology and applications of cross-cultural psychology with respect to acculturation, organisational processes, communication, health and national development. The new format of the book is ...
Although early theorists such as Vygotsky and Erikson recognized the role of culture in human learning and development, the mid 1960s witnessed the beginning of the modern movement in cross-cultural psychology, which culminated in the creation of the International Association of Cross-Cultural ...
canbefoundat:JournalofCross-CulturalPsychologyAdditionalservicesandinformationfor http://jcc.sagepub/cgi/alertsEmailAlerts: http://jcc.sagepub/subscriptionsSubscriptions: http://.sagepub/journalsReprints.navReprints: http://.sagepub/journalsPermissions.navPermissions: ...
Cross-cultural psychology is the scientific study of human behavior across cultural or national boundaries (Adler & Gielen, 2002). It is based on the two premises that (1) our culture deeply impacts all aspects of our psyche, including perception, cognition, development, personality, abnormality,...
1)cross-cultural psychology跨文化心理 1.The aim of the comparison is for a further study of cross-cultural psychology.作者调查研究着重于改革开放政策对他们生活、文化、道德、个性的影响 ,并将这些变化作横向与纵向的比较 ,比较的目的在于进一步研究跨文化心 2.This paper tries to analyze why fantasy film...
《跨文化心理学杂志》(Journal Of Cross-cultural Psychology)是一本由SAGE出版的以PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流