社区|Cross Creek West建商|Westin售价|$57万美金起户型|双层4卧3.5浴2车库车位面积|3,267 Sqft社区简介:生活本来就是美好的,这就是您在 Cross Creek West 所能期待的。 Cross Creek West 让生活得精致和放松,这里是远离喧嚣的避风港,您可以在这里与大自然亲密接触
Cross Creek West is a premier neighborhood near the intersection of Legacy Drive and Red River Drive in Plano, Texas. The 146 single family homes are near schools and city parks. Hedgcoxe Elementary and Hendrick Middle School are located within walking distance of our community. There are acres...
社区|Cross Creek West 建筑商|Westin 户型|Staten 设计|双层4卧2.5浴2车位车库售价|$45.5万美金起 社区简介:生活本来就是美好的,这就是您在 Cross Creek West 所能期待的。 Cross Creek West 让生活得精致和放松,这里是远离喧嚣的避风港,您可以在这里与大自然亲密接触。 亮点:家庭房、简餐厅和岛式厨房均位于...
Cross Creek West is an A-Circuit hunter/jumper training and sales stable located in San Marcos, California. Our trainers, Michelle Parker and Alejandro Alvarado lead a team of dedicated horsemen who work together at home and in the ring to turn out winni
推荐理由:50尺面宽做南朝北,后院没邻居,外观现代设计风格,室内层高12尺,开放式厨房,Perry Homes老牌建商,2年全面质保,全A小初高,整体规划社区设施齐全,可享受Cross Creek Ranch的一切设施,同时配有网球场,泳池,公园等 - 社区 Cross Creek Westt https://www.crosscreekwesttx.com/ - 面积 2586sqft - 4卧...
休斯顿房产 2023最美一层别墅,才60万美金左右,心动进来看看,休斯顿cross creek west社区 3374 -- 5:38 App 休斯顿房产|Houston new construction 高端一层湖景别墅,仅72.5万美金,是美国房地产市场淡了吗? 7060 25 17:16 App 搬到休斯顿来,休斯顿房产 泳池,湖景,好学区,一个都不能少。90万美金,拿下这么好的...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Second Cross Creek Winning over Diners Second Cross Creek Location on Westside Packing Patrons In" by Phelps, Bob - The Florida Times Union, March 14, 1998By PhelpsBob
Cross Creek is a venture capital firm founded in 2006 inside of Wasatch Advisors. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Cross Creek's full profile.
This year’s crop of 4-year-olds is off to California to start training for the jumper ring with Michelle Parker and theCross Creek Westteam. We snagged our favorite equine photographer (and sister), Patty Hosmer ofHoofPrintsPhoto.com, to take a last minute portrait of CCF Coral Sea befor...
Cross Creek School is 1 of 75 high schools in the Broward County Public Schools. Cross Creek School 2024 Rankings Cross Creek School is unranked in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare ...