必应词典为您提供cross-crawl的释义,网络释义: 交叉爬行;交叉动作;交叉运动;
cross crawl sit-ups网络释义 交叉起坐 交叉起坐 (Cross Crawl Sit-ups) 展脊提神 (The Energizer) 基于36个网页-相关网页有道翻译 cross crawl sit-ups 交叉爬行仰卧起坐 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译。应用推荐关于有道 Investors 有道智选 官方博客 技术博客 诚聘英才 联系我们 站点地图...
Just like our Cascade Climber the new Cascade Climber Cross Crawl offers an exceptional time efficient, low impact workout but with a cross crawl step pattern. Great for high intensity cardio training, the Cascade Climber is also effective for injury rehabilitation – as there is no stress or ...
海龟小课堂(七) 普林斯顿大学体态矫正课程1 ——盆骨稳定课程 96 2018-04 2 海龟小课堂(六)脊柱中立和盆骨中立 53 2018-04 3 海龟小课堂(五)拒绝含胸驼背~向上运动修正——站起来坐下去 57 2018-04 4 海龟小课堂(四)Cross-Crawl 神经系统的平衡训练 ...
A cross-crawl chair including a chair frame for supporting a headrest, chair back, chair seat, right and left arm supports, right and left leg supports, and four actuators for moving the supports. The chair also includes a control system which synchronizes the movement of the right arm ...
cross-crawl 1022016-10 3 3D呼吸 1312016-10 4 3d呼吸身体签到 1672016-10 查看更多 猜你喜欢 567 Criss Cross by:One5640856095 529 Tripple Cross-Dwave by:嘻哈有态度 1518 Target: Alex Cross by:Lara侃英语 85 Trippple Cross-Young Scooter by:嘻哈有态度 470 Trippple Cross-Young Scooter by:嘻哈有态...
A cross-crawl chair including a chair frame for supporting a headrest, chair back, chair seat, right and left arm supports, right and left leg supports, and four actuators for moving the supports. The chair also includes a control system which synchronizes the movement of the right arm actua...
Cross-crawl chair 专利名称:Cross-crawl chair 发明人:Robert G. Robideau 申请号:US11514170 申请日:20060901 公开号:US07452308B2 公开日:20081118 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利附图:摘要:A cross-crawl chair including a chair frame for supporting a headrest, chair back,chair seat, right and...
【普及英语知识】“跨越鸿沟”叫做: "Cross the Chasm"。至于怎么跨越呢?那就要:Crawl first, walk step by step later, run sometimes, jump occasionally and fly if necessary. 先爬,再走,步步为营,有时要跑,偶尔要跳,必要时要飞。飞累了,就预定Airbnb吧,哈哈~ ...
热门搜索: abate dull ache crawl grunt dreamless mumble hoarse whisper crossroods的用法例句英语词典推荐学习词条 英汉词典常见短词用法 字谜推荐 | 笑话推荐 | 对联 | 造句 爱好旅游(打一成语) 年初一晚上打一节目名称 元宵节灯谜:元宵前后共团圆 (打一字) 老赵一走开,完全就变样 (打一食品) 茅台汾酒...