Furthermore, the comparison of theoretical estimations on total inelastic cross-sections with corresponding experimental ones was made.doi:10.1134/S1063778814010037Balabekyan, A. RDemekhina, N. AZhamkochyan, V. MKarapetyan, G. SPhysics
The dependence of total inelastic cross sections on the mass number of the target and the structure of the incoming particle was investigated via the comparison of the obtained data.doi:10.1134/S1063778813020038A. R. BalabekyanN. A. DemekhinaA. E. SimonyanPhysics of Atomic Nuclei...
doi:10.1142/9789814699464_0016Yu. G. SobolevYu. E. PenionzhkevichC. BorceaN. A. DemekhinaE. V. Zemlyanaya
The excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios obtained at irradiation of 197Au by a 6He-ion beams with energies from 15 to 60 MeV has been analyzed. The EMPIRE-2.18 code was used in the calculations. The cross sections of the isomeric and ground nuclear state production were ...
N. DemekhinaG. FrangulianL. GolovanovV. GrabskiA. HairapetianH. HakobyanSocietà Italiana di FisicaEuropean Physical Journal AAdamian, F., Aganiants, A., Borzunov, Yu. (2000) Eur. Phys. J. A 8: pp. 42F. Adamian , Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 423 (2000)....
The excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios obtained at irradiation of 197 Au by a 6 He-ion beams with energies from 15 to 60 MeV has been analyzed. The EMPIRE-2.18 code was used in the calculations. The cross sections of the isomeric and ground nuclear state production were ...
Balabekyan, A. R.Yerevan State University, Yerevan, ArmeniaDemekhina, N. A.Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, ArmeniaZhamkochyan, V. M.Yerevan State University, Yerevan, ArmeniaKarapetyan, G. S.Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilSpringer USPhysics of Atomic ...
Among the confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's α is the criterion showing whether the observed variables such as survey questionnaires used to estimate constructs, have internal consistency, and are utilised for checking the credibility of the constructs [107,109]. In general, if Cronbach's α...
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