TheMonetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)is seeking to level the cross‑border regulatory regime playing field with regard to the overseas offices and overseas‑related corporations of Singapore financial institutions (FRCs) and their domestic counterparts whether they are structured as two distinct leg...
Four central banks are collaborating to develop and test a common platform on which to process cross-border digital payments. The initiative aims to bypass the need for intermediaries and, hence, slash the time and cost of such transactions. The Monetary Authority of Singapore ...
中国领先的跨境金融产业互联网优维金融空间,udfspace,Cross-border financial industry internet,链接一带一路,RCEP区域持牌机构的专业服务,投融资,支付结算,涉外法律,保险,培训,财税,投资促进,国际贷款,离岸账户,hub,QFII,QDII,invest,loans,payment,insurance,fintech,dig
The new German transfer pricing rules are said to introduce a tax treatment for business restructurings that affect business entities within the country's borders. The modification of the pricing rules include the modification of the arm's length principle to include contractual arrangements, the ...
SOCIALCONCERTATIONANDCROSS-BORDERLABOURMOBILITYat the internal level, if we would bring ourselves to do it. But this was clear very soon: yes, we also have an interest for our companies in the domain of services to have transitional arrangements and we couldn’t say that we did ...
border judicial proceedings. Despite this, the European service procedure is not that straightforward and can still be very complex for most users, causing additional costs and legal uncertainty. Against this background, this article explores how the cross-border service of documents works in practice...
中国领先的跨境金融产业互联网优维金融空间,udfspace,Cross-border financial industry internet,链接一带一路,RCEP区域持牌机构的专业服务,投融资,支付结算,涉外法律,保险,培训,财税,投资促进,国际贷款,离岸账户,hub,QFII,QDII,invest,loans,payment,insurance,fintech,dig
Another area of concern for NTD programmes that has direct relevance for SDG 15 is the degradation of land and soil as a result of unsafe sanitation arrangements and practices such as open defecation. Such degradation is a significant driver of ascariasis, trichuriasis and hookworm disease, all...
中国领先的跨境金融产业互联网优维金融空间,udfspace,Cross-border financial industry internet,链接一带一路,RCEP区域持牌机构的专业服务,投融资,支付结算,涉外法律,保险,培训,财税,投资促进,国际贷款,离岸账户,hub,QFII,QDII,invest,loans,payment,insurance,fintech,dig