Etymology Middle English; pile reverse of a coin, from Middle French, pillar, pier of a bridge, device for stamping coins, reverse of a coin The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologi...
impossible to interpret," the literal meaning of which is something like "crossroads of interpreters." But Century Dictionary ascribes it to "the cross as an instrument of torture; hence anything that puzzles or vexes in a high degree ..." Extended sense of "central point" is attested by ...
The meaning of CROSS ORDER is an order in a stock exchange to buy matched with an order to sell at the same price so that execution on the open market is unnecessary.
"very fine line (originally spider's silk) stretched across the focal plane of a… See origin and meaning of cross-hair.
已经申请了专利。由班戈的 W·K·福斯特先生制造。【《波特兰传讯报》,缅因州波特兰,1854年9月30日】 广告 penis 的使用趋势 广告 仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofpenis 深色 自动 浅色 服务协议隐私政策Copyright © 2001 -2025Douglas Harper...
also*mak-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to knead, fashion, fit." It forms all or part of:amass;among;macerate;magma;make;mason;mass(n.1) "lump, quantity, size;"match(n.2) "one of a pair, an equal;"mingle;mongrel.
zine(n.) 1965年,缩写自fanzine。 广告 fanzine 的使用趋势 广告 仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning offanzine 广告 深色 自动 浅色 服务协议隐私政策Copyright © 2001 -2025Douglas Harper
" Lithuaniankráuti"to pile up." Beekes writes thatkrypto"is formally and semantically reminiscent of [kalypto]; the verbs may have influenced each other." For this, seecalypto-. But he adds, "However, since there is no good IE etymology, the word could be Pre-Greek." Meaning "...
*sterə-, also*ster-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to spread." It forms all or part of:consternate;consternation;construct;construction;destroy;destruction;industry;instruct;instruction;instrument;obstruct;obstruction;perestroika;prostrate;sternum;sternocleidomastoid;strain(n.2) "race, stock, line...