cultivated to be sold in the market to earn profits from the sale. most of the crops grown today worldwide are cash crops cultivated for selling in the national and international markets. most of the cash crops grown in the developing nations are sold to the developed nations for a better ...
brassicae has spread rapidly on the most popular cultivars of cultivated yellow sarson (Brassica rapa L. var. trilocularis (Roxb.) Kitam.) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) grown in the red and lateritic soils (Alfisols) and the Terai regions situated in the Himalayan foothills of the...
a harvester is used which combines harvesting with threshing and winnowing. cultivated grains must be stored safely to avoid product loss. chances of grain loss are much higher during this time than before cultivation. therefore, methods of protection need to be better. common pests and rodents an...
A plant that is cultivated or grown on a large scale is known as crop. In other words, crops are grown in order to commercialize the agriculture sector. Simply, a crop is any plant that is grown and harvested extensively for-profit purposes. ...
Zaid crops are usually cultivated in the irrigated areas of the country viz;Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu. What is kharif crops and Rabi crops give their two examples? (a) Kharif crops are those which are grown in rainy season. For example –Cotton, groundnut. (...
astringent,haemostatic,rejuvenatingandtonicinnature. Theyareusedinthetreatmentoftumors,elephantiasis, inflammations,cough,asthma,constipation,fatigueand anaemia(Nair,1993).InIndia,theplantiswidely cultivatedinKerala,TamilNadu,Punjab,Assam,Bihar andWestBengal.Thecropismainlycultivatedinthe ...
Pulses are cultivated on 2.45 million hectare in India. Their production is 500 kg/ha, which is much lower than the world average. Insect and diseases are the main cause for lower production. These biotic stresses inflict about 25-30% yi... D Rai,S Chandra,N Kalra,... 被引量: 0发表...
The cropping pattern in India has undergone significant changes over time. As the cultivated area remains more or less constant, the increased demand for food because of increase in population and urbanisation puts agricultural land under stress resulting in crop intensification and...
Plantation crops are defined as a group of commercial crops perennial in nature, cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical situations in a large and contiguous areas. They include coconut, areca nut, oil palm, cocoa, cashew nut, tea, coffee and rubber. ...
Cassava is cultivated largely in southern peninsular region covering states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Northeastern states cover an area of 0.23 million ha with a production of 8.06 million tons and having the productivity of 34.75 tons/ha, the highest in the world. These crops ...