This episode features conversations between Ag Annex associate editor Alex Barnard and Adelle Stewart of the Do More Agriculture Foundation, and Shane Anderson of the Tough Enough to Talk About It program. They discuss what risk factors increase mental health challenges for farmers, the importance of...
Going Around in Circles Bowler and Chorley’s admission sparked a new wave of crop circle artists, or “Doug & Daves” and since 1991 the occurrences of crop circles has boomed all over the world. For some, creating crop circle designs became a form of “Land Art.” There were others wh...
I would like to know...Which crop can I grow on my soil?Is my water safe to drink?Is this food safe to eat?Should I buy this land to farm?What is wrong with my crop?Talk to an agronomist and get advice Center of Analytical & Agronomy Excellence ...
Talk to an expert Get the insights you need from the people who know best. Connect with a nearby Topcon expert for personalized guidance and solutions to help you optimize your equipment, troubleshoot, or take your project to new heights. Get in touch myTopcon NOW! support Take your Topc...
When interviewed on AgWeb’s podcast AgriTalk, Dr. Bowerly expressed that the research team hopes to provide a tool for farmers to understand what better crops might be suitable to plant. “In the end we want to boost [crop] productivity and yield, that’s really what we’re striving fo...
Phil Tregunno, Chair – Ontario Tender Fruit Growers, 905-984-0437 or Sarah Marshall, Manager - Ontario Tender Fruit Growers, 905-687-0867 or Brian Rideout, Vice Chair - Ontario Apple Growers, 519-365-5428 or brian....
Wait! This column is supposed to be about agricultural stuff. So why talk about human vaccines? The reason: Agrobiotech companies are working on vaccines for plants and pesticides based on RNA molecules. How can you vaccinate a plant? Scientists use another type of RNA called interference RNA ...
Fully digital platforms and end-to-end integrations Instant credit decisions Invoice tracking MyAgriLoan Learn more Why ProPartners Financial? Let’s Talk Credit Customize a credit program for your growers. START THE CONVERSATION Serving American agriculture ...
Ammoniumsalze und natürliche Gesteinsmehle, wie Kaoline, Tonerden, Talkum, Kreide, Quarz, Attapulgit, Montmorillonit oder Diatomeenerde und synthetische Gesteinsmehle, wie hochdisperse Kieselsäure, Aluminiumoxid und Silikate, als feste Trägerstoffe für Granulate kommen in Frage: z.B. ...
Neue substituierte Pyrazoline der Formel (I) DOLLAR F1 in welcher DOLLAR A R·1·, R·2·, R·3· und R·4·, die in der Beschreibung angegebenen Bedeutungen haben, DOLLAR A mehrere Verfahren zur Herstellung dieser Stoffe und deren Verwendung zur Bekämpfung von Schädlingen, sowie ...