Crop factor describes the size difference between a 35mm film frame and your camera's sensor. For example, if your camera has a crop factor of 2, it means that a 35mm film frame is twice as large as your camera's sensor. Modern digital cameras are fitted with sensors of varying size....
但是,当图像传感器尺寸变小时,镜头的有效焦点也会变小。与原始尺寸相比图像变小的量称为“裁剪因子(Crop Factor)”,也叫焦距转换率。 Crop Factor 如何影响树莓派 HQ Camera 的镜头的? 树莓派 HQ Camera 使用的图像传感器大小为 1/2.3 英寸,Corp factor(焦距转换率)为 5.6。如下图: 例如,为树莓派 HQ Camera...
Nikon D3500Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm F1.8GNikon AF-P 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G VRNikon AF-P 70-300mm F4.5-6.3G Reply to threadReply with quoteComplain ForumParentFirstPreviousNext Flat view Post(hide subjects)Posted byWhen Crop Factor explained... (D3500, DX lenses, etc...)New ButchA...
A crop factor of 1.6x – often talked about with APS-C cameras – can be explained like this: If you are using a 50mm lens on an APS-C camera and you want to shoot the same scene with the same field-of-view with a full-frame camera you need a focal length of 50 x 1.6, whic...
Read more on this topic in our previous article –Crop Factor Explainedwhere we specifically look at the topic of Crop Factor and how it impacts the different lenses that you might use on your DSLR. Mark PashiaApril 11, 2010 03:08 am ...
Results showed that stomatal dynamics may be a significant reduction factor of assimilation. The vertical distribution of photosynthesis and transpiration did not show discrepancies between the row orientations. The diurnal pattern of assimilation demonstrated that at low...
Inclusion of nitrogen fixing legumes in the rotation is also an important factor18,44, at least for maize and winter small grain cereals, along with increased N supply from soil organic matter59,60. However, the relative importance among these different mechanisms is still poorly understood, ...
their widespread adoption is currently limited by high costs, especially for small producers, and even large producers face significant expenses when considering the machinery needed for large-scale applications. This cost factor makes map-based systems a more feasible option for incorporating PA techniqu...
CC termination time, hereinafter defined as the time interval between CCs ending and the next cash crop planting (Fig.1a), is acknowledged as the key factor affecting the magnitude and direction of multiple CC benefits7,29. However, its importance is frequently overlooked. According to the maximu...
These visualizations succinctly capture how each factor weighs into the predictive models, offering an intuitive representation of their respective impacts on crop yield prediction. Figure 17. Variable importance as derived from SHAP analysis of the CNN-LSTM-Attention model for maize (a), rice (b),...