A major factor in designing diversified cropping systems is to ensure an increase in soil C sequestration—as this plays a crucial role for soi health, in climate change mitigation and achieving C neutrality34,35. We found that the diversified rotations with sweet potato, peanut and soybean signi...
The partial factor productivity of K (PFP) was evaluated. The soil was sampled in 2019 to evaluate soil K forms. Over 32 years, liming increased grain yields, with 41% in summer crops (165 vs. 117 Mg ha− 1) and 64% in winter crops (92 vs. 56 Mg ha− 1). In summer,...
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address. ...
This GF factor was obtained previously, and can be specific per used genotype. Thus, the Total Leaf surface Area in cm2 (TLA) was calculated per plant (Eq. 2) as the addition of every single Leaf surface Area (LA). TLA=∑i=1i=nLA. (2) TLA values were calculated for both ...
In a bearish factor, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) recently said that 2023/24 global coffee production climbed +5.8% y/y to a record 178 million bags due to an exceptional off-biennial crop year. ICO also said global 2023/24 coffee consumption rose +2.2% y/y to a record 17...
This stretch factor should be taken into account when picking your size. Also, think about the type of workout you'll be doing. High-impact activities like running or aerobics require more support, which might mean opting for a tighter fit. But for low-impact activities like yoga,...
In a bullish factor, the International Cocoa Association (ICCO) on November 22 raised its 2023/24 global cocoa deficit estimate to -478,000 MT from May's -462,000 MT, the largest deficit in over 60 years. ICCO also cut its 2023/24 cocoa production estimate to 4.380 MMT from May's 4.4...
This methodology will provide the farmers a management system to analyze a specific factor or adopted technology, by accepting or rejecting a certain intervention.Evandro Chartuni MantovaniMarcos Joaquim MatosoAntonio Carlos de OliveiraGisela de Avellar...
In a supportive factor for coffee prices, Conab, Brazil's crop forecasting agency, cut its 2024 Brazil coffee production forecast on September 19 to 54.8 million bags from May's forecast of 58.8 million bags. Signs of larger global coffee supplies are bearish for prices. Last Thursday, the ...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...