Production costs and optimization. Income by crop, field and variety. Optional land cost integration. Crop rotation scenarios and profitability. Options for perennial crops. Pesticide and crop activity records in one click. Ver.7.0.1, June 2019 ...
Australian Startup Mimics Trees to Make Cheaper Green Hydrogen; Hysata raised $111 million from investors including BP to scale its technology, which could help lower the cost of the clean-burning fuel. Akshat Rathi and Will Mathis – Bloomberg For emissions-free hydrogen to become a widespread...
The choice of the STELLA environment for programming contributed initially to model transparency, but at the cost of options for linking with data standards framed elsewhere. 5. The way forward There are a number of constraints to using existing agroforestry models to reliably predict tree and crop...
Data on different crop and vegetables (cost of cultivation, yields), ground water use and related yields (for Rabi), input use (fertilisers, pesticides) was collected from the farmers This data was collected on a data framework that was based on the objectives and questions that have been dev...
An integrated modelling approach to enhance Bali cattle production in the mixed crop/livestock systems of Indonesia APSIM operates externally to generate data for a wide range of long-term scenarios (based on historical climate data) that are uploaded into the IAT spreadsheet. APSIM forage (crop ...
NIRS is a low cost technique well adapted to the conditions in developing countries and can be used for the high-throughput screening of a great number of samples. Possible applications are discussed. KEYWORDS: Cassava; flours; major constituents; NIRS; sweet potato; taro; yam INTRODUCTION In ...
Many strategies for collecting agricultural residues, especially corn cobs and/or stover, in a single pass have been proposed and equipment based on some of these strategies is currently on the market. These methods claim to reduce the overall residue collection cost and streamline the harvesting op...
By using a ZT crop ley for two to four years, the cost of pasture renovation is defrayed and pasture carrying capacity is trebled, from an average of about 0.7 animal units (AU)/ha to over 2 AU/ha. Both historical data surveyed and five spreadsheet models of real farms developed in ...
While adaptation to climate change should be the priority for smallholder production systems, adoption of cost-effective mitigation options in agriculture not only contributes to food security but also reduces the extent of climate change and future adaptation needs. Utilizing management data from 16,...
Given the growing body of available phenological, managerial and soil data of the Sudanian savanna belt, simulation models can be used as low cost tools to gain insights of the trade-offs between nutritional and fuel yields incurred by alternative crop species’ choices. In this study we use A...