WhatdothoseShapesandCirclesMean?Introduction Inthispresentation,bylookingattheavailableevidence,wewillattempttogainabetterunderstandingofthe“CropCircle”phenomenon.Welookat –TheHistoryofCropCircles–EvidenceforMan/WomanMadeCropCircles–EvidenceforCropCirclesbeingmadebyweatheror otherAtmosphericPhenomena–EvidenceforCrop...
A common conspiracy theory is that aliens create crop circles. People who believe this are often called ‘croppies.’ Those who study the extraterrestrial world of crop circles are called ‘cereologists’ (cereal being the grain that crop circles are usually made from). To be fair, croppies ...
Somepeoplehaveevenclaimedto haveseencropcirclesbeingcreatedbysmalltornadoes. 有些民众甚至宣称曾亲眼目睹小型龙捲风吹刮出麦田圈。 8. BritishscientistAndrewafter17yearsofresearchthat80%ofcropcirclesareman-made. 英国科学家安德鲁经过长达17年的调查研究认为,麦田怪圈有80%属于人为制造。
Evidence for Man/Woman Made Crop CirclesEvidence for Crop Circles being made by weather or other Atmospheric PhenomenaEvidence for Crop Circles made by Extra Terrestrials or other forms of Higher ConsciousnessPossible meanings of the Crop CirclesCrop Circle Messages诗拙传元伪爷曲露哲出提措论村挝锤...
PicturesherebyLucyPringle-http://.lucypringle.co.uk/2IntroductionIntroduction Inthispresentation,bylookingattheavailableevidence,wewillattempttogainabetterunderstandingofthe“CropCircle”phenomenon. Welookat–TheHistoryofCropCircles–EvidenceforMan/WomanMadeCropCircles–EvidenceforCropCirclesbeingmadebyweatherorother...
We look at The History of Crop Circles Evidence for Man/Woman Made Crop Circles Evidence for Crop Circles being made by weather or other Atmospheric Phenomena Evidence for Crop Circles made by Extra Terrestrials or other forms of Higher Consciousness Possible meanings of the Crop Circles Crop ...
The communication happened just before they laid the Crop Circle down and we believe that THIS is how many Crop Circles are being made. Possibly the first physical manifestation of ET communication that humans can visibly see, Crop Circles may be encoded with keys of wisdom and formulas for Asc...
totse.com - Crop Circles and Cattle Mutilations - Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in North America where cattle have been found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. The cows are found dead, exsanguinated (all their blood has b
Twitter Google Share on Facebook crop circle (redirected fromCrop Circles) Encyclopedia crop circle n. A usually circular pattern or group of patterns occurring in a field as the result of the flattening of the stems of grain or other crops, often as a prank to claim extraterrestrial or paran...
On May 20th, 2014 this formation appeared around Roosendaal Nederland. it was a highly symmetric area with precise walls and corners. Concentric circles lined the central region, displaying a very high likelihood of being made from a vantage point above the field. Unfortunately, the farmer who ow...