© cropcirclesonline.com www.flickr.com Homepage - part 1. Continuing pages -Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 5. - - -Database- - -Archive Very nice event in Czech Republic (28. 6. 2014) -Crop circle Boskovice 2014 For a basic introduction to historical perspectives on the issue ofcrop ...
Transform your photo or profile picture into a circle crop photos with one click. Try multiple image shapes with our online image cropper.
The app presents different options to crop images online. Let’s look at them in more detail: Square or circle. You will see two standard cropping shapes in the image cropper’s menu: circle/square. You can change the shape of the square and get a rectangular image – it’s very easy...
Easily circle crop images online with our user-friendly tool. Create perfect circular photos for profile pictures, logos, or creative projects in just a few clicks. Upload, adjust, and download your circular images with ease.
The term “crop circle"or“circles" was created by a researcher, Colin Andrews, to describe the strange circles and complex geometries (复杂的几何图形). He has researched what has shown up in fields of wheat, barley, rye, corn, soy beans and other crops for years.There are numerous theori...
The meaning of CROP CIRCLE is a geometric and especially a circular pattern of flattened stalks in a field of grain now usually attributed to natural phenomena or to the work of hoaxers trying to create the impression of a visit by extraterrestrial being
Crop circles investigation & research. Cropcirclexplorer blog Aerial shots of the crop circles provided by Lucy Pringle& Steve Alexander and others.
2.A group, quantity, or supply appearing at one time:a crop of new ideas. 3.A short haircut. 4.An earmark on an animal. 5. a.A short whip used in horseback riding, with a loop serving as a lash. b.The stock of a whip. ...
Crop a Circle Crop the GIF animation to a circle shape. Start Animation Turn the frame-by-frame GIF animator on or off. click me Chicklet This example uses the cropping tool to remove the top and bottom parts of a GIF animation of a cute chicken baby. It preserves the original frame...
How to circle crop on iPhone - simply use our FREE online tool. No App Required to create a circle crop!