Tower Defense Simulator(塔防模拟器) 新塔Trapper数值预览 2801 0 05:10 App Tower Defense Simulator(塔防模拟器) Slasher升级数值预览 4355 3 06:02 App 塔防模拟器(Tower Defense Simulator)塔升级展示第4期 1766 0 20:17 App Tower Defense Simulator(塔防模拟器) 月之序曲 第三幕 2657 2 17:45 App ...
接下来播放 自动连播 【Roblox转载】Game Master Ultimate Skin | Tower Defense Simulator 夜空Yeikong 187 0 TDS新鱿鱼游戏皮肤 没有名字的人第233号 503 0 TDS BOSS终极皮肤展示 Yu1ing- 204 0 [SD]⚡来自东方神秘の歌声⚡ Fred-N 559 0 ...
The Crook, formerly the Crook 1, was a unit that used to be spawned by the Crook Boss at Level 4. As with other units, it started from the end of the map path and moved towards the entrance of the map. The Crook had a spawnrate of 60 seconds. Whenever th