这里简单列举脚本应用的一些功能:AimAssist(辅助瞄准)、Anti-Recoil(压枪)、RapidFire(快速射击)、Burst Fire(点射)、DropShot(趴射)、Jump Shot(跳射)、StrafeShot(移动射击)、Steady Aim(稳定瞄准)、AutoSprint(自动冲刺)和Hair Triggers(轻触射击)。这些功能可以帮助玩家在这游戏中获得一些优势,从而帮助玩家获得更...
Most games' Aim Assist will snap towards the target if you're close to it keeping you on target. It tricks the In-Game Aim Assist to be always on by using an exploit that moves the cross-hairs around the actual aim point in a shake pattern, so when the target is moving it fools ...
Aim Assist: Aim Strength (1 - 50):Set the strength of Aim Assist while aiming down sights and not firing. This controls intensity of the right stick movement. Higher values will shake more and be noticeable onscreen. This is in general good for close range and non sniper weapons. A lowe...
New Script V4 Apex Legends Anti Recoil _Aim Assist CronusMax & Zen Free Downloa 599 -- 2:17 App Apex Cronusmax CronusZen、Titan1/2、PS4、XBOX、PC、PS5 视频集 582 -- 2:27 App 【クロノスゼン】APEXオルタネーターアンチリコイル设定:Cronus ZEN 设定 114 -- 4:23 App Black Ops Col...
Aim Assist snaps you towards the target if you’re close to it, keeping you on target. JITTER Jitter takes advantage of a glitch in some games allowing weapons to shoot insanely fast. DROP SHOT Drop to the ground in prone position automatically each time you fire your weapon. SNIPER BREATH...
Also featuring a brand-new Aim Assist which is now more accurate over longer distances, and like Anti-Recoil can be fine-tuned in real-time. The best Aim Assist ever used with Call of Duty! Other essential options include Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo Fire, Jump Shot, Crouch Shot, Drop...
Includes Action Mods ( Heavy Attack, Light Attack, and Auto Melee), Aim Assist, ADS Fine Tuning, Rapid Fire, Dynamic Rapid Fire, Crouch Shot, Parkour Mode, Auto Roll/Dodge, Target Mode and More! Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed...
This will make you CrossHair actually follow you target even if you are off the target. Like a tracking CrossHair. It will follow Enemys which are in the Aim Assist Range (Red CrossHair). # Option Description 0 Disabled Sticky Aim & Quick Toggle is Disabled ...
Includes a new Active Fire Mod System, Aim-Assist, Anti-Recoil, Burst Fire, Shot Mods, Auto Sprint and Hair Triggers. All button layouts and Stick Layouts. ℹ️Introduction TheMods For Beginners GamePackfeatures exclusive newMods. All the FPS favorites are included:Active Fire Mods, Aim ...