如果你想在每天的16:18执行一个脚本集合,可以把所有要执行的脚本放到一个目录中(如 /home/username/cron),可以使用: 1816 * * * root run-parts /home/username/cron >> /dev/null2>&1 如果你想保存某个程序的输出结果, 可以把>> /dev/null 2>&1替换为>> /home/user/somecommand.log 2>&1。 总...
Every 5 minutes starting at 2 PM and ending at 2:55 PM, every day 0 10,44 14 ? 3 WED 2:10 PM and at 2:44 PM every Wednesday of March 0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI 10:15 AM every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 0 15 10 L * ? 10:15 AM on the last day of eve...
Every cron job uses five fields. Here is an explanation of what each field does in this cron, which runs “every 3 minutes“: Field 1: (*/3) indicates that the task will be run every 3minutes. Field 2: (*) indicates that the task will be run everyhour. Field 3: (*) indicates ...
# use /bin/bash to run commands, instead of the default /bin/sh SHELL=/bin/bash # mail any output to `paul', no matter whose crontab this is MAILTO=paul # # run five minutes after midnight, every day 5 0 * * * $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&1 # run at 2:15p...
Cron Jobs Every So Many Hours These cron jobs will run every so many hours: Every hour: 0 * * * * Every 2 hours: 0 */2 * * * Every 3 hours: 0 */3 * * * Every 4 hours: 0 */4 * * * Every 5 hours: 0 */5 * * * Every 6 hours: 0 */6 * * * Every 7 hours:...
23 0-23/2 * * * echo "run 23 minutes after midn, 2am, 4am ..., everyday" 5 4 * * sun echo "run at 5 after 4 every Sunday" 0 */4 1 * mon echo "run every 4th hour on the 1st and on every Monday" 0 0 */2 * sun echo "run at midn on every Sunday that's an une...
#(put your own initials here)echo the date to the console every #15minutes between 6pm and 6am 0,15,30,45 18-06 * * * /bin/echo ‘date’ > /dev/console 保存并退出。确信前面5个域用空格分隔。 在 上面的例子中,系统将每隔1 5分钟向控制台输出一次当前时间。如果系统崩溃或挂起,从最后所...
42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly 前 四行是用来配置crond任务运行的环境变量,第一行SHELL变量指定了系统要使用哪个shell,这里是bash,第二行PATH变量指定了系统执行 命令的路径,第三行MAILTO变量指定了crond的任务执行信息将通过电子邮件发送给root用户,如果MAILTO变量的值为空,则表示不发送任务 执行...
cron表达式每1小时执行一次_cron表达式每5分钟一次 I want a cron expression which fires every 45 minutes. 5.1K70 crontab中如何实现每隔多少天执行一次脚本 . # 下午6点到早上6点,每隔15分钟执行一次脚本 0,15,30,45 18-06 * * * /bin/bash $HOME/script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1# 每两小时,重启一...
Method 2: Run the php script using URL from the crontab If your php script can be invoked using an URL, you can lynx, or curl, or wget to setup your crontab as shown below. The following script executes the php script (every hour) by calling the URL using the lynx text browser. Ly...