Field 2: (*/8) indicates that the task will be run every 8hours. Field 3: (*) indicates that the task will be run everydayof themonth. Field 4: (*) indicates that the task will be run every month. Field 5: (*) indicates that the task will be run every day of theweek. FUN...
Even Hours Odd Hours Every 6 Hours Every 12 Hours Midnight1am2am3am4am5am6am7am8am9am10am11amNoon1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm9pm10pm11pm Days Every Day Even Days Odd Days Every 5 Days Every 10 Days Every Half Month 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 ...
schedule.every(1).hours.until(timedelta(hours=8)).do(job) # 每个小时运行作业,11:32:42后停止 schedule.every(1).hours.until(time(11,33,42)).do(job) # 每个小时运行作业,2020-5-1711:36:20后停止 schedule.every(1).hours.until(datetime(2020,5,17,11,36,20)).do(job) 截止日期之后,该作...
Hours Template Every Hour Even Hours Odd Hours Every 4 Hours Every 6 Hours Every 8 Hours Every 12 Hours Custom Days Template Every Day Even Days Odd Days Every 5 Days Every 10 Days Every 15 Days Every 21 Days Custom Months Template Every Month Even Months Odd Months Every 3 Months...
# 每小时(上下浮动120秒区间内)运行`job_function` scheduler.add_job(job_func, 'interval', hours=1, jitter=120) 3.3 cron 触发器 在特定时间周期性地触发,和Linux crontab格式兼容。它是功能最强大的触发器。 cron 参数: 参数 说明 year(int or str) 年,4位数字 month(int or str) 月(范围1-12)...
Every 2 months on day 5 of the month:0 0 5 */2 * Every 2 months on day 6 of the month:0 0 6 */2 * Every 2 months on day 7 of the month:0 0 7 */2 * Every 2 months on day 8 of the month:0 0 8 */2 *
意味着它每15分钟运行一次(即每小时运行4次) 从手册页:> man 5 crontab Steps are also permitted after an asterisk, so if you want to say ``every two hours\'\', just use ``*/2\'\'.因此,如果要重复运行某些内容,请仅使用ѭ11表示法。每小时多次,一天多次等等。 彼得 与...
crontab指定在固定时间或固定间隔执行特定的脚本;crontab的常用参数有如下3个: -e :执行文字编辑器来设定日程表,一般默认的编辑器是VI; -r :删除目前所有的日程表; -l :列出目前所有的日程表; 设置日程表时,需要有固定的格式,共6部分,各部分间用空格间隔;其中第6个部分是要执行的命令,前5个部分是设置执行时...
private SortedSet<int> hours = null!; private SortedSet<int> daysOfMonth = null!; private SortedSet<int> months = null!; private SortedSet<int> daysOfWeek = null!; private SortedSet<int> years = null!; private bool lastdayOfWeek; private int everyNthWeek; private int nthdayOfWeek; privat...
10 */3 * * *run every 3 hours on 10th min 0 12 */2 * *run at noon on every two days 1-59/2 * * * *run every two minutes, but on odd minutes Notice There is no way to reschedule or to remove single job from crontab during runtime with crontab package. (Re)create new in...