直接执行/data/be/server/ber/venv/bin/python3 /data/be/server/ber/apps/measure/measure_data.py b_week > /dev/null 2>&1提示配置找不到: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'util' 这种一般是没有用到服务的ven环境,所以在执行命令前先增加一个环境的配置: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/data/...
File “/usr/sbin/sosreport”, line 20,in <module> from sos.sosreport import main ImportError: No module named sos.sosreport 竟然这么雷同 红帽给的回复大概是以下几个原因: 1.PATH变量设置的不对 2.Python存在多个版本,Python版本不是系统自带的 3.ansible不是正常安装的(忘记怎么说了) 4.忘记了 除了第...
No module named'***' 而你直接在终端输入python,然后import这个模块,却又是Ok的, 这个问题困扰了我不少时间,最后发现可能的原因是系统中存在多个python版本 而使用cron调用的时候恰好不是你想要的那个,解决的办法也很简单 把详细的python路径写全就行了 * * * * */root/anaconda3/bin/python/root/btc.py ...
Example using python_dateutil: >>> import dateutil.tz >>> tz = dateutil.tz.gettz('Asia/Tokyo') >>> local_date = datetime(2017, 3, 26, tzinfo=tz) >>> val = croniter('0 0 * * *', local_date).get_next(datetime) Example using python built in module: >>> from datetime imp...
问运行Python脚本CRON时出错:导入错误:没有名为Tweepy的模块ENInfo: *** Info: Running Quartus II ...
Python Cron Service->highlight->right click->Properties->Toggle to Automatic->Apply->OK 将Python Cron Service设置为自动启动 配置 在pycron的主目录下。找到crontab.txt.sample文件。然后复制一份命令为crontab.txt. 删除crontab.txt中所有内容。并且输入以下内容然后保存。
I had assumed that python2 scripts would run fine under python3. I haven't figured out how to install mariadb module, but php-mysql was suggested and was installed using: Code: Select all sudo apt install php-mysql But you previously explained that way will not install the module......
In python, i wrote myself up a lib that basically acts as a ps grep of sorts and extracts the date of execution, status of the process and the process name. i’ve used the lib widely when determining whether my cron process is already running or not (or for that matter suspended/...
确实是否使用的python完整路径/usr/local/bin/python3 xxx 如果还不执行,查看日志文件 /tmp/crontab-stderr.log 我这里报 No module named 'requests'安装对应库sudo pip3 install -t /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8 requests 经过以上步骤,我这里最终...
turn_off() will now call turn_on() for scenes since turning a scene off makes no sense, to allow extra flexibility Restored the ability to use line, module and function in log messages. Recoded to prevent errors in non-compatible Python versions if the templates are not used.Fixes...