Cron 支持在一个界面里查看所有账户日历,你可以在 Cron 上添加多个谷歌日历账户,直接按快捷键 Cmd+K 呼出命令栏并输入「Add」,在列表里点选「Add Google Calendar account」即可,当然你也可以去设置里自行添加。 统一视图下,多个账户的日历事件默认是合并显示的,你可以给账户设置不同主色来区分,反映在视图上就是...
tasks, and events. Despite this, even solid tools such asGoogle Calendarhaven’t seen much innovation in recent years. If you want extra features and an easy-to-use interface, you can use Cron calendar instead.
Cron 是一款体量不大的免费日历工具,界面类似 Apple Calendar。如果你用过老牌的日历应用 Fantastical,应该不会觉得 Cron 有什么过人之处,但它在去年 6 月份被 Notion 低调收购,且 Figma 的创始人和 LinkedIn 前 CEO 都有参投其种子轮。如今,Notion、GitHub 和 Shopify 等公司的人都已经在使用 Cron 作为默认日历。
近期高颜值日历“Cron”更新App将会转变为NotionCalendar,它与你喜爱的精心设计的日历相同,但现在与你的工作空间集成,直接从日历创建概念页面,适用于macOS、Windows、Web和iOS上的Google日历,说实话我还挺喜欢Cron图标。, 视频播放量 16069、弹幕量 0、点赞数 132、投
本月17日,Notion 2.37 发版就干这一件事——发布 Notion Calendar。 不了解 Cron 的用户还以为 Notion 推出了什么了不得的日历新功能,其实就是把之前收购的日历工具 Cron 正式集成进 Notion 并为其改姓更名。 事实上,这个新产品(姑且认为它是新产品吧)仍是作为一个独立的 app 存在。至于更新后的 app 图...
a collection of tools to test, improve and get to know your api inside and out. clobbr the app & cli tool to test api endpoint speed. visit crontap schedule recurring api calls using cron syntax. visit crontool debug multiple cron expressions on a calendar. visit shipixen generate ...
With CronTool you can edit, debug and view one or multiple crontab / cron expressions on a calendar - all online & free forever. The last cron expression editor you'll ever need. Share cron jobs with your team, write AWS & Vercel cron jobs and more.
“31st of January” and so on as per the calendar month. It can be used with an offset value, like “L-3”, which denotes the “third to last day of the calendar month.” In <day-of-week>, it specifies the “last day of a week.” It can also be used with another value in...
Official collaboration between OkCron and Starry! Celebrate the season with our special advent calendar! Open a new gift every day in December and discover exc…
打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。Cronblizz Blitz 4+ Mindmush 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Official collaboration between OkCron and Starry! Celebrate the season with our special advent calendar! Open a new gift every day in December and discover exclusive skins, maps, and ...