Auro CRM is the best Open Source CRM Software. Our Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Software help to make marketing strategies and view customer insights.
与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :) 免费加入 已有帐号?立即登录 master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支59 标签277 Yuri KuznetsovsetInContainerNotWritten7f4bc6f14小时前 ...
Open Source CRM is not for everyone, but if your business or nonprofit entity has an urgent need to test the software before purchasing it, or make some specific modifications to meet some inert to the company requirements. They should be considered open-sourceenterprise software systems. Open-s...
1.SugarCRM Inc. is the 800-pound gorilla in the open-source CRM category. Founded in 2004 by John Roberts, Clint Oram and Jacob Taylor, the Sugar open-source code has been downloaded more than 3 million times. The company has received $26 million in venture financing and employs more than...
开源CRM(Open Source CRM),是开放源代码的客户关系管理软件。源代码是公开的,因此很容易就可以增加一些新的特性和功能。但版本升级快,要让企业来承担软件升级所造成的风险。若要升级的话,企业要么出钱让人升级,要么自己花精力去完成。无论是哪一种方案,都意味着企业要遭受一定的损失。 如果你要专业CRM,建议直接阅...
开源软件(英语:open source software,英文缩写:OSS,中文也称:开放源代码软件)是一种源代码可以任意获取的计算机软件,这种软件的版权持有人在软件协议的规定之下保留一部分权利并允许用户学习、修改以及以任何目的向任何人分发该软件。 ———维基百科 开源CRM软件具有先天的优势,企业可以通过快速部署的方式搭建属于自己...
do the trick, she adds. After a good deal of internal discussion, the 500-employee company moved users off the old system late last year (IMA has asked not to disclose the vendor's name) and installed ConcourseSuite 5.0, an open-source CRM solution from Concursive (formerly Centric CRM)....
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Give customized open source SugarCRM system to your business environment, enforcing improved and flexible CRM. Vtiger Customization We offer customized Vtiger solutions given your specific business needs improving your business functioning. SugarCRM Integration You can have your other systems integrated with ...
Fully featured, open source CRM. Contribute to frappe/crm development by creating an account on GitHub.